About the most recent villager


Jan 14, 2021
User Title Color Change (Seashells)
Tasty Cake
Since we have more information but I still can’t find any solid answers can the most recent villager ask to move out? All my plots are filled and I got a character I want to move recently.
This is the answer I found from the AC wiki. This section is in reference to New Horizons.

  1. If the dice rolls, a villager will be picked to ask to move out. Only one villager can think about moving out on a given day. This will be in the form of a thought bubble at first, although they may not always have a thought bubble at all times. Thought bubbles do not appear when a villager is inside. This will last the entire day, and acts as a FLAG on that villager - a CONDITION that makes them think about moving out. This flag will end on the next day if the villager was not confronted. This is random, but villagers with higher friendship levels are less likely to be chosen. For example, a villager with favor level 3 (60+ friendship points) is eight times more likely to ask to leave than a villager with maxed friendship. This is based on the average friendship levels across all residents, which means adding more residents reduces this effect, assuming the new player-controlled residents don't build up friendship. The chances of a moveout for a specific villager can be projected using this tool.
EXCLUSIONS: Your most recent villager, the last villager you said no to during a move out thought, a villager with their birthday in the next 7 days, or a villager who was scheduled to move are excluded from asking to move out.
EXCLUSIONS: Your most recent villager, the last villager you said no to during a move out thought, a villager with their birthday in the next 7 days, or a villager who was scheduled to move are excluded from asking to move out.
Heavily disappointing. Thanks for the information. Im glad I bought an amiibo of my favourite to get them back after i take them out!