AC:3DS video

I think I saw a bench in one of those we have benches in AC?

There are a few rumors going around: the character would have stamina limit, so there would be a need for chairs and benches so the character can liven up.

Also, there is a rumor that that bench and light is a bus stop or, well, car stop so when you visit someone elses town in a taxi... that is how you would get there.

Personally I think it's the latter of the two. But there is also the idea that its just outdoor furniture that you would see in a park.
i don't mean to be rude but you could have found a video that actually was just ac3ds instead of having 6 seconds of a video
The demo definatly looks interesting :)
I love how we now have camera control indoors, I just wish we had outdoor camera control as well (Unless it hasn't been shown yet).
I also love the side beach... it adds a unique quality to the game :)