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AC: NL First impressions and thoughts?


Junior Member
Apr 23, 2013
Throwback Tickets
My first impressions of New Leaf weren't that high because there wasn't very much info, but after spending time looking on YouTube for anything i could find. i stumbled upon a you-tuber under the name of "zedamex" showing off live streams of New leaf, which lead me to one of the best youtube channels for New leaf info is a couple from japan, LinAndKo. I will link there channel in the description. Show them some love from the forums. Leave your thoughts and impressions!

I appreciate the thought of trying to help people but many on this forum are well aware of these channels already. Infact, both Lin and Zedamax are members on this forum. :p
I'm loving it. I play every day without fail for the last month or so. Very addictive.. Tbh it's my favourite version since the GameCube version

I also have seen every linandkos and zeds videos they are awesome
I'm loving it. I play every day without fail for the last month or so. Very addictive.. Tbh it's my favourite version since the GameCube version

I also have seen every linandkos and zeds videos they are awesome

Glad to hear. I can't remember a time where I heard this much positive about an AC sequel.
It's much better than Wild World. I haven't played CF, so I can't make a comparison.
New Leaf is very addicting and more fun to play than WW. I play NL everyday, whereas with WW, after the first couple of weeks, I got bored with it and stopped playing.
My first impressions of New Leaf as I slowly learned more information about it over the years: *brace yourselves guys you don't want blown off your feet*

"OMG! I get to be mayor! OMG! I get to swim! OMG I get to change my entire outfit down to shoes and socks! OMG the humans are taller! OMG New NPCs! OMG My house is gonna be huge! OMG I can choose the colors I use in my deigns! OMG! Kapp'n has a family! OMG the train is back! OH MY GOD OFFICER COPPER IS BACK HNNNNNG!"

It's very fun. Even with the language barrier in the JP version, I enjoy it way more than CF and WW. I still enjoy the Gamecube version, but I think that's just more of nostalgia.

When this game is released in a few weeks, I think it'll be my favorite right up there with the original.
Not to bring up a Wii U version, but I can only hope we get this level of awesome from the eventual sequel instead of a rehash. I personally believe I'll enjoy this game more than the Gamecube version.
I have never played GameCube so my favourite was CF but when I found out about New Leaf I was so excited
I didn't care too much at first. After the disappointment of City Folk I didn't plan on getting back into Animal Crossing. I didn't like the tall look of the character and I didn't want a 3DS, so I completely ignored it for a long time. Eventually the tall avatar grew on me and learning the new features brought back my excitement for Animal Crossing. It seems like this will be the best one since Population Growing in my opinion.
I know a lot of people complained about the taller avatars, but they grew on me too. I think they are in closer proportion to the GC game than the giant heads of AC Wild World.
At first I was really excited although I wasn't too fond of the taller characters. Now I love them.
"YOU CAN SIT ON BENCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why are the characters so tall and weird?
Wait, is that..... no, it can't be.... did he really just.... SWIM ? ??????? -die-"

yeah pretty much
Haha, right! Totally tripped me out. THEN they announce the island :D

I remember using my Action Replay on the Gamecube version to jump into the river and run over to the island.

I wish you could just swim there when you wanted in New Leaf.
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I am really excited for this game. But with how the internet is nowadays I know a lot of people are like me. We are excited about it but waited so long it feels underwhelming. When WW came out, I only seen maybe a few screen shots. When I got it, everything was extremely new to me. I played AC GC but I love WW still. I am excited for this game because one day my son can play it in a few years. Because we all know we will be waiting another 7 plus years for a new hand held one:)

I think AC is better as a handheld game.
First Impression when I learned about NL: YES!!! FINALLY they made another Animal Crossing!!! :D I knew they would add different things and then once I learned about the new features I got crazy excited and still am!
It was my sole reason to buy a 3ds. I've bough 5 of them to this day (Not all for me. Bought the regular 3ds for myself and one for my fiance, then traded them in and bout 3 XLs, with one for my mom as well). Since then, I found this forum and I'm so glad I did, as it has really quenched my thirst for knowledge about NL.

I'm still super hypes for the game! I can't wait to get my hands on it! Just reading about it here I'm comfortable saying that this might be my favorite in the series!
My first impression was just "omg yes another handheld animal crossing game!!" And this past weeks I've watched LinandKo videos and now I'm just sobbing waiting to get my copy :3
My first impressions of New Leaf as I slowly learned more information about it over the years: *brace yourselves guys you don't want blown off your feet*

"OMG! I get to be mayor! OMG! I get to swim! OMG I get to change my entire outfit down to shoes and socks! OMG the humans are taller! OMG New NPCs! OMG My house is gonna be huge! OMG I can choose the colors I use in my deigns! OMG! Kapp'n has a family! OMG the train is back! OH MY GOD OFFICER COPPER IS BACK HNNNNNG!"


Yeah. What she said.

But, my reaction to Kapp'n having a family was more so like "But then why was he always hitting on me in City Folk?"