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AC:NL Routines?


Dec 29, 2015
Sautéed Mushrooms
I was wondering recently; when people come onto Animal Crossing: New Leaf each day, do they start getting into an ingame routine?

What I mean by that is, do people have a sort of 'checklist' they have for things to do each day in their town; for example, get all the fossils in the town, then talk to all the villagers, then water all the flowers etc etc.

Do you have a routine? Share it down below, and how it helped you, if it did at all. I'm interested to see how different people play the same game! :)
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This is a list based off of what I've discovered thus far feel free to remind me of anything I may have missed. I found this on Reddit and I don't do them in any particular order, just what I feel like!
Shake all the trees in your town. You will usually find ~1k in coins, 0-2 pieces of furniture, and there are five bees in the trees every day. They each sell for 2,500 bells, with the hives selling for 500 bells.
Hit all the rocks in town with your shovel. There is a money rock and a gem rock every day. Pro tip: Dig holes all around you before you hit the rock so that you don't slide backwards if it's a money rock
Buy everything in Nookington Junction/any upgraded version. The upgrades for the store is based on how much money you spend / items you buy from them. This includes the fortune cookie. Clean those raccoons out!
Dig up anything you see buried. You will always find four fossils everyday. Some days you will find 3 Gyroids(crazy wood guys) buried as well, or pitfalls seeds. All of these items are fairly rare(pitfalls are great for annoying neighbours or trolling your friends) and valuable!
Gyroids appear the day after it rained or snowed!
Buy out the flower shop every day. Buying 50 saplings will get you a Gold Axe. Buy 50 flowers and you get a silver watering can.
Check Tom Nooks House store. There may be a unique house upgrade for the path/fence/roof/housestyle that wasn't there the day before
BUY OUT the Able Sisters store for new clothing/accessories. You never know when your perfect Jack the ripper look can be completed, plus after 10 days, and 10,000 bells Kicks opens up!
Check your beaches for unique items/rare shells. Mysterious items and/or persons can wash up on your shores!
Check Retail for turnip prices, new furniture, and special prices. If an item is on the chalkboard out front Reese will pay double for it!
Go to the island. The silver coin store gets updated daily, as well as new selection of tours every day
Donate new fossils/fish/bugs/sea-creatures to Blathers.
2nd floor Museum requirements are:
Donate at least 1 item of each type to the museum
Be mayor for at least 7 days
Have at least 30 total items donated Blathers will then be awake in the morning one day and will ask you to help him expand the museum.
Talk to all of your villagers! Often you can get hard to find furniture pieces from interactions with villagers. Try and carry furniture/fish/bugs with you as they will often want to trade or buy what you have
Go swimming in the ocean and find that scallop! Pascal is an otter who will ask for the scallop you find. He gives you an item from the sea collection which is hard to find!
Try and build a new public works project every day. It may be hard to find the funds, but the bigger and better projects are unlocked later on.
Go into your villagers' house when they're home and look in their closet. Sometimes they will give you a random item.
Talk to Sable! After a while you'll get her to be friends with you and she'll let you use the QR machine so you can share patterns.
Water all your flowers. This may sounds tedious but it builds villager satisfaction, and it regrows the grass beneath them though, as well as making them more likely to hybridize the next day.
Talk to Brewster everyday (The Roost Cafe) If you go and get coffee their everyday for a while, he'll eventually offer you a part time job that pays pretty hefty if you do it right! Plus he gives you a coffee beans that can be put up for 9-10k bells in the flea market and other animals will buy it!
Update your Dream Suite town. You get 5000 bells every time, and it takes about 30 seconds.​
TL:DR, read bold
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1.) buy out everything in main street for my catalog
2.) plant the bush starts i bought bc i need a **** ton of those for my town
3.) write & send mail to villagers for the badge
4.) kill any normal flowers or weeds that have sprouted

after that i just do whatever im interested in doing (island, talking to villagers, getting pwps, etc)
~Check all the shops to see if there is anything fancy there.
~Look for fossils to dig up
~Look for the money rock and fake rock
~Check to see if the flowers needs watering / have produced hybrids
~Travel to the island to check if there is anything in the shop

And as I do this I talk to all the villagers. After I'm done I just do whatever I feel like. ^.^
1. Check the lovely phone for the lucky item of the day. Put it on.
2. Check the mail and walk pass all 5 villagers for a ping. Drop by the inside villagers houses to check on any sick one.
Stop by retail to check the board for premium and turnip prices. Sell items in my pocket and leave one for Cyrus to redo.
3. Make a snowperson before 5pm so I don't have to chase the snowballs.
4. Work on the villagers requests and hit rocks for ore/bugs. All my towns museums are complete and the fossils are buried on the beach. Just check town for any stars that might be a gyroid of a fancy mushroom.
5. If it's my main town I check the lucky item of the day list I've been keeping and order the clothing. All my towns mayors have the same birthday so it's easy to keep track when one town is ahead.
My town is quite developed now so my routines have changed.

I walk around town and dig all the dig spots. Then I visit Re-tail and check what's the product that yields the most bells on that day. If it's furniture sometimes I'll have a little storage clearout.

I don't talk to villagers while doing so, because I don't want to miss any pings.

Then I visit the shops, museum to have fossils assessed and off to Re-tail I go again.

Finally I go to the beach to collect the shells and do some fishing if I've got time.

I had stopped going to the Island (my house is fully expanded and I don't need the bells. I got the silver axe, the full mermaid set and the kitchen island). I had no interest in the cabana set but it's grown on me now and I'm looking for the rare floor and wallpaper from that set).

I have all the PWPs I want and all my villagers pictures except from my favourite, Chief. I had stopped writing letters as well but re-started recently.

My other goal (other then getting Chief's pic) is to get Goldie to get rid of a robo-sofa she's had for 11 months. She never want to seel it to me, so I send her several big pieces of furniture, which she displays and rotates at a fast pace, but the annoying robo-sofa still stand right in the middle of her house like a sore thumb.

So yeah, that's my routine.
I go on and:
-check mail
-dig for fossils
-talk to villagers
-check police station
-go shopping
-sell extras
-water flowers
-do trades if any
yeah I think that's about it
~Wake up

~Figure out what I'll be wearing for the rest of the day in my town

~Usually greet people near my house/neighbors

~Walk around and check on all my favorite areas/areas in development

~Water flowers

~Check shops

~Learn new emotion

~Go to Katrina's building

~Have fun for the rest of the day! (Island, wifi, try getting pwps, etc.)
I play my 2 main towns (JP, NA) differently, but yeah, both have a routine. Both start up, and immediately look for the 5 outside villagers to trap them for future pings- have to have all 5 hit before I call it a day. Then, since they both have rocks set up with bushes on opposite sides, I run around and bang all the rocks looking for the money rock. I find the 3 gyroids if it rained, then look for the two snowballs to make the Snowboy/man/mam/tyke depending on which I need/want. I periodically intersperce passing by trapped villagers to get the pings, if they do, they get another hole placed by them to say they've talked to me. If one gives an immediate "I'm moving" notice, HOT DOG! I can either free them, not worry about trapping them, or even depending on the season, call it a day. In my NA one, I'll go to the Emporium, and if there's something I like, I buy it. In my JP one since I'm trying for badges again, I'll buy out all the stores, except Kicks, something smells really bad in there for some reason! LOL No, but seriously, I buy out all the shops. Then, I sell them to Reese for more than those Nook boys. After shopping, I'm done in my JP one unless I need more hits from villagers, then I'll do the swimming trick to get the remaining one(s), and in my NA one I'll do the same, I can't stop either until all outside had a chance to talk to me, just on the outside chance one of them is moving. Adds to the playtime when it's the 5th person to talk to that says they're moving, but oh well, that's how I play, and it spans anywhere from 20 minutes to upwards of 4 to 5 hours now depending on how long some things take. Occasionally when I feel like it and have the time, I'll go to the island to bum around, nothing to really do other than fish/bug hunt, and tour, but that's what makes it special days.
My routine's changed a bit since I finished finding all the fossils and another set for the models, but it's mostly similar.

I used to always call up my phone to see what was the lucky item and hopefully wear it. Then I'd check my letters and head out to shake all the trees, find the money rock, find all the fossils and the pitfall seed. Once that was done I'd go to Main Street to get the fossils assessed and do my daily shopping. Then I could do whatever I felt like.

Now I don't really bother with that, but instead water all my flowers and wait for the first ping that's hopefully a public works suggestion. Then I check the police station for any furniture and to see who the special visitor is. Then it's onto doing tasks for my villagers which usually involves going to a locker for fruit or to Main Street for possible furniture. Once that's all out of the way I do whatever I feel like for the day.
My routine goes a little something like this. I've just reset, so it's most likely a little different to players who's towns are 1+ years old.

Wake up and check any mail that I've got. After that, I find and dig up all the fossils for the day as well as finding the money rock and gem rock. Then, I examine/donate all the fossils I've just discovered. Next, I take a trip to Re-Tail and sell any fossils that are already in the museum, any pitfalls and any gems I have. Once all that's done, I usually water all of my flowers - although I haven't today, I went to the island instead. Finally, I write a letter or 3 for my letter writing badge. From there, I just do what I like, which is usually fishing, earning bells and chatting to villagers.
Let's just say I have an interesting life on there.
I wake up,
Run around aimlessly,
Go shopping,
See if anyone wants to move,
Then run around some more until I get bored.
A very interesting lifestyle indeed.
- Find all the fossils
- Find the money and fake rock
- Water hybrids
- Replant the perfect fruit and non-native fruits
-Check the shops and donate the fossils
- Sell crap I don't want.
- Check the beach, plaza, and campsite(when I have it)

Then I spend the rest of the time, either talking to villagers or fishing.
I always try to have a routine. I usually start out running around and talking to all my villagers. I worry endlessly about any of them moving out so I always make sure that the town rumor isn't about someone moving and making sure everyone pings me. I'll walk through my orchard and pick mushrooms and dig up any dig spots that I see. Then I just walk through my town trying to find the fake rock and the money rock or digging up any dig spots that spawned in odd areas. After that I guess I just spend the rest of the day having fun. I'll go shopping and buy things for my catalogue, go fishing or go to the island to catch beetles or fish some more. I love spending time with my villagers so I'll send them mail or talk to them a whole lot. Visit them in their houses, etc etc. I don't know. My 'routine' is still more about having fun with the game.
check if someone wanna move.. buy things so i can get upgrades..get the rock money/gems
my town is pretty new but here's what i usually do

check mail
dig up fossils and any gyroids
find the money rock and ore rock
shake trees but not for much longer as ive saved enough axes to chop everything down, yay!
chat to my villagers
check the plaza for katrina/redd
check the beach for gulliver
go shopping. im not in a rush to complete the catalogue so i'll just buy what catches my eye
maybe make some patterns. i spent 3 hours making my town flag the other day
i'll always go fishing, my favourite way to earn money and de-stress <3
I have a routine, but I get lazy and don't do it every day xD anyway it's...
1. Check the mail because the mailbox sound gets annoying
2. Walk around town and dig up any fossils, etc. and pick up any non-rare flowers that have grown (all my flowers are placed in specific spots)
3. Water all my flowers
4. Check what's selling for extra at retail/sell the stuff I've collected
5. Talk to my favorite villagers
6. Do some fishing (working towards the gold badge for catching 5,000)
7. Check the shops
8. Hunt for club tortimer items
9. Do whatever else I feel like doing :D

And somewhere in there is my daily cup of coffee at Brewster's :3 That's it!
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1. Look at mail (if any)
2. Walk around for pitfalls, shells, gyroids or fossils.
3. 10 minute fishing/bug hunting session.
4. Re-Tail
5. Tortimer Island
6. Re-Tail
7. Check shops for valuable/expensive furniture
8. Take A Walk for play coins
9. Get Fortune Cookie
9.5. Re-Tail
10. Talk to all villagers except the ones I don't want (ANICOTTI WHY HAVEN'T YOU LEFT YET!?)
11. Tortimer Island at 5:15 pm
12. Re-Tail
13. Beach for Shells
14. Re-Tail
15. End
Dig up fossils, go to the museum, sell at Re-Tail and buy furniture if needed, then go shopping at the main street.