AC themed food ideas?


Senior Member
May 11, 2014
Tasty Cake
February Birthstone (Amethyst)
January Birthstone (Garnet)
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
August Birthstone (Peridot)
July Birthstone (Ruby)
June Birthstone (Pearl)
Pear (Fruit)
Orange (Fruit)
My kids and I were going to have a little AC party tomorrow when we get Happy Home Designer and play together.

I am having a hard time coming up with quick, easy foods though. We can make cucumber horses, and I can make a typical animal crossing cake, but a lot of the other foods are more complicated things like sushi and steamed buns.

I suppose I could use some of the harvest festival foods, like fruit salad.

I would love to do a little tea party with an afternoon tea set and some lemonade; I wonder if I could find a stand for that.

Any ideas?
You could do a candy jar, marshmallow chairs, the town fruits, and the fruit basket
you could make sandwich's kind of dainty like to go with tea that come out of the sandwich display case from the 7/11 set, those would be pretty easy to make, chocolate cake, shaved ice treats something to do with turkey as its in the game as is pumpkin pie fruit baskets and veggie baskets. I don't know if good luck rolls are hard or easy to make. there is a lot of food though in the game.
I don't have any helpful suggestions, but I wanted to butt in to say this is the most adorable thing I think I've ever heard.
cupcakes with the fossil/pitfall symbol made out of the frosting. Maybe get some disposable cups with lids and put coffee (for the adults) and tea/whatever in them and say they're from Brewsters.