AC:WW Theme On Guitar

Include this on your next CD. ;D

You should do more of the AC songs, like The Roost.
That was really good. =D

You shoulda' made it longer. ) :

But yeah, I can see this getting a good amount of views. I looked around..I didn't see anyone else play this on the guitar yet, actually.
Thanks for the comments guys!

Holy crap... someone said in the YouTube comments that it sounded "Metheny-esque". Pat Metheny is one of the great jazz guitarists ever, and actually one of my influences. D:

25 comments so far... RMC said he was gonna post this on GoNintendo soon, too.
Bulerias said:
Thanks for the comments guys!

Holy crap... someone said in the YouTube comments that it sounded "Metheny-esque". Pat Metheny is one of the great jazz guitarists ever, and actually one of my influences. D:

25 comments so far... RMC said he was gonna post this on GoNintendo soon, too.
I listen to him all the time. I have more of his older albums like first circle and still life talking, and letter from home and so on. Sound awesome!
Why do you keep posting AC stuff in Gamer's Lounge? An admin of the forum should know theres a whole General Animal Crossing board. :0
YouTube's under maintenance... the 767 viewcount has been the same since 3pm, I'm sure it's past 1400 by now
That is, for a lack of a better phrase, pwnmama.

Congrats on the views and GoNintendo post!


#97 - Most Viewed (Today) - Musicians
#99 - Most Discussed (Today) - Music
Views: 1,412


Awesome! :p
Professor Layton said:
Bulerias said:


#97 - Most Viewed (Today) - Musicians
#99 - Most Discussed (Today) - Music
Views: 1,412


Awesome! :p
Congrats. =)
Maybe you should consider doing more. ;)
I definitely will, actually. Not only that, but I'm gonna sell sheet music and tabs of my arrangements soon. :)
Bulerias said:
Professor Layton said:
Bulerias said:


#97 - Most Viewed (Today) - Musicians
#99 - Most Discussed (Today) - Music
Views: 1,412


Awesome! :p
Congrats. =)
Maybe you should consider doing more. ;)
I definitely will, actually. Not only that, but I'm gonna sell sheet music and tabs of my arrangements soon. :)
Awesome! I can't wait to hear more. I watched that video at least ten times before I watched anything else. :p