rebma girl
Senior Member
:throwingrottenapples: :O :veryhappy: >_< :X B) :r :'( <_<
:huh: T_T :gyroidconfused: :gyroiddance:
:gyroidsideways: ^_^ :gyroidcircle: :wub: :smiletounge:
:barf: :smileeyebrow: :smileconfused: :smilecry: :glasses: :smiledisapointed: :ermm: :blink: :smile: :smilegasp: :smilefrown: :smilecheerful: :wink: fftopic: :eh: :yes: :no:
Any more? And when u pick from the list, the mad 1 and the the one that says huh in it, how come it comes up different and not the way on the list?
Any more texts? I saw someone with rainbow! How do u do rainbow?
:throwingrottenapples: :O :veryhappy: >_< :X B) :r :'( <_<
:huh: T_T :gyroidconfused: :gyroiddance:
:gyroidsideways: ^_^ :gyroidcircle: :wub: :smiletounge:
:barf: :smileeyebrow: :smileconfused: :smilecry: :glasses: :smiledisapointed: :ermm: :blink: :smile: :smilegasp: :smilefrown: :smilecheerful: :wink: fftopic: :eh: :yes: :no:
Any more? And when u pick from the list, the mad 1 and the the one that says huh in it, how come it comes up different and not the way on the list?
Any more texts? I saw someone with rainbow! How do u do rainbow?