ACNH resetting question


Senior Member
Mar 6, 2014
Mother's Day Carnation
Purple Violet
White Violet
Yellow Violet
Red Rose
White Rose
Yellow Rose
So after being out of New Horizons for a long time, I've realized that I finally want to go back to it again. Only problem is, someone gave me a lot of valuable stuff (such as gold, gold tools, iron, lots of bells, all kinds of rare items) and DIY recipes a long time ago and I don't want to lose them, but I also really want to reset (yes, I know you can't get used DIY recipe items back)! I remember a very long time ago in the New Leaf era, I'd just drop all the items I didn't want to lose at another town. I just want to know if something like that can be done in New Horizons. Thank you for reading, and I hope to get some suggestions/ideas/advice.
Hey there I’m currently helping someone reset I can help in a few weeks but if you don’t wanna wait I’m ok with that
You can drop your items on someone else's island provided you have Nintendo Online and you can find someone willing to keep your items for you. In ACNH, you're limited to taking whatever you can carry in your pockets for each trip, so you should decide what you really need to keep and what you can live without so you don't have to take a ton of trips back and forth.
You can drop the items off with me if you would like. I'll hold them until you need them again

I've held villagers, and items for people in the past, so id be happy to help