ACNL bell exchange rate to TBT?

It depends what the exchange rate is, but right now someone's buying them for 3 million bell for every 100 TBT bells.

So I guess, if you were to beat that, 3.1 million bells per 100 TBT? That's probably the lowest you could go at the moment.

Edit: Unless you're looking to sell your TBT bells, in which you could probably get around 15 million bells for 500 TBT.
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It depends what the exchange rate is, but right now someone's buying them for 3 million bell for every 100 TBT bells.

So I guess, if you were to beat that, 3.1 million bells per 100 TBT? That's probably the lowest you could go at the moment.
Thanks. im new here so im just learning.