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Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Throwback Tickets
Do you ever have one of those moments where you start thinking of old memories, etc., and you get so sad, you start crying? :/

Well, I was tired, so I turned on some soft music that always makes me sleepy: "Vanilla Twilight" by Owl City. And I started crying? I kept asking myself "Why are you crying?!". It was because I started to think of old memories. At my old, private school. I don't know why, I don't usually cry unless it's something sad in a movie or somethin'.

Do you ever have these moments? I love them:)

I hate them at the same time though, because now it is 2:23 AM, and I CAN'T FALL ASLEEP. Oh well, I'll skip class and sleep in the bathroom. >_<
Lisamilitz said:
I'll skip class and sleep in the bathroom. >_<

I cry at night sometimes.. It's never about old memories, though.
Bacon Boy said:
*trevor said:
TBT has too many girls.
I was gonna say something, but decided not to. PM me about it, if you wish.
BB's secretly a girl and <small><small>s</small></small>he cries at night also, but since Trevor's post he's too ashamed to post :(
Jas0n said:
Bacon Boy said:
*trevor said:
TBT has too many girls.
I was gonna say something, but decided not to. PM me about it, if you wish.
BB's secretly a girl and <small><small>s</small></small>he cries at night also, but since Trevor's post he's too ashamed to post :(
Face it, all along, you've been hoping I was a girl. B)
Personally, I'm not that emotional, I didn't cry when my "boyfriend" "broke up" with me. Usually, I'll cry about competition related things, I cried in Science Olympiad when we didn't make it to Nationals. I cried when someone beat me at the Spelling Bee in third grade. And I cried when I didn't get first place in track since I probably threw up a few times every meet and ran across town every single morning that I didn't have school.
i'm a nostalgia nut. whenever I see a game I played a lot when I was a young 'un I'll usually bawwwww.
I used to cry about my old pet snapping turtle that I got in a lake. His name was Squirtle.
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