Giveaway Adoptable Raffle [over]

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El Psy Congroo
May 29, 2014
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
June Birthstone (Pearl)
Mother's Day Carnation
May Birthstone (Emerald)
April Birthstone (Diamond)
March Birthstone (Aquamarine)
February Birthstone (Amethyst)
January Birthstone (Garnet)
December Birthstone (Turquoise)
November Birthstone (Topaz)
October Birthstone (Opal)
August Birthstone (Peridot)
100% (56) +
ahh sorry im late but here is the winner!
WINNER: Kayrii

[/COLOR]if you fail to do all of the above - i will not count your post as an entry! So make sure you check!
You MAY NOT resell this adopt but giving it away as a gift or smt is ok
No last minute editing pls (like the day of it ending)
Entries will be closed on February 8th @ 5pm PST [CHANGED DATE]
i'll be using that

Blue Rose & Pearls

1. Tomia
2. CuteYuYu
3. CG Universe
4. aixoo
5. pandapples
6. P o c k y
7. Aali
8. Kidcatisbestcat
9. Bloobloop
10. Mega_Cabbage
11. Norski
12. awesomeelle2001
13. Orieii
14. meowlerrz
15. Kanaa
16. MintySky
17. MayorEvvie
18. Nightmares
19. Kayrii
20. lucitine
21. Roxi
22. Jint
23. TheCreeperHugz
24. Venice
25. Chiisanacx
26. skarmoury
27. Elo
28. mayorkaleigh
29. bug2buga
30. Pokemon5700
31. Justina
32. Oldcatlady
33. Fang4Ever
34. Wishii
35. Amilee
36. SuperStar2361
37. Sej
38. ToxiFoxy

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spending valentine's day with my boyfie...
I mean sure he is getting surgery on his hand but it counts ; v ;
what exactly is an auction if I can just copy and paste this
Spending it alone lmao~ But tbh I'd rather spend it alone than have another guy I don't like give me stuff cause it's awkward ;-;
I'll probably be spending Valentine's Day alone. ' o '
Recently, I broke with my girlfriend so...
My friend is visiting me after Valentine's Day so, it'll be super fun.

Your adopt is so cute! ' v '
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I'll be spending it alone~ because I haven't got the courage to speak to my crush x'D
but I got u riummi c; but yeah ill probably stuff my face with chocolates and be in bed with my teddy bear c:
oh so so cute

Valentine's day is my father's birthday and I'll probably have family lunch with him since I have work at night.

Thanks for the giveaway/raffle~
I have a feeling I'm going to spend it with my crush, maybe not in person but at least I'll be talking to him haha. Some little bird told me that he's been trying to get the courage to ask me out, but my friend might be messing with me. Today was the first day that he got back from his suspension and he sat at my lunch table. He's been trying to get closer to me more and more, trying to talk to me whenever he can, and overall being nice. I caught him staring at me for a while and he started to smile at me when I looked back at him.
im spending it alone.
I don't mind though because last year my valentines was horrible. I'll spend the day with my cat by watching Netflix and ordering a pizza (pj day all day wooooohooo!)
I'll probably have a movie marathon and eat lots of gross junk food with my sister because we always do that when we're both single lmao.
Ill play animal crossing and lie in bed...people feel sorry for me...but, that's like my ideal day!
I have no one, so I'll be spending Valentine's Day alone yet again TTvTT *wipes tears*
I never adopted any adoptables before, so this is a interesting experience! She would look good together, paired with one of my older OC's :) She's perfect! *crosses fingers* I have everything already planned/ thought out xD
I have no one, so I'll be spending Valentine's Day alone yet again TTvTT *wipes tears*
I never adopted any adoptables before, so this is a interesting experience! She would look good together, paired with one of my older OC's :) She's perfect! *crosses fingers* I have everything already planned/ thought out xD

now you've got me curious :rolleyes:
That's such a cute picture!
This year I can't spend Valentine's day with my boyfie,
and this is the first time that we could not spend the day together...
We are almost half a year into our LDR, but we are both trying hard to make it work...
Hopefully we can be together in a few months...
LDR is hard, and I really do miss him, but we'll be sure to try hard to make our relationship works!

Hope everyone will have a happy Valentines day! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
I'm probably going to spend that day reading or doing homework.
My valentines day is going to consist of me forgetting that it's valentines and eating snacks all day and doodling lmao B)
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