Because I'm at the end of my wits trying to think of ways to get tbt. I'm not in the mood for hardcore art so I'm now trying to sell little pixels to raise some cash. ;u;
So a little backstory, I made a game for one of my best friends. I did almost everything, from coding the game to making these adorable pixel characters (the only thing I did not do is make the music haha.) So I thought, hey, if I could make pixelated characters, why not take requests from people? Yeah!
- They only cost 30 tbt each, regardless whether it's GIF'ed or not. c:
- I will send the original pixel + an outlined one, because I know the pain of placing a pixel over some backgrounds that make it unnoticeable/disappear. (no extra payment for the outlined one, though, so don't worry!)
- Maximum of 3 pixels per order! I don't want to get stuck on a single order.
- Um, no animals or furries or mech stuff please (anthromorphs are fine though). Last time I drew a pixelated cow, it did not look well.
Also, I can't really insert a lot of details in a few pixels.
- Pay only after I've done your work. (But, you know, if you want to pay me beforehand, it's fine, but I do things at my own pace so I might not get to your order immediately. I'd feel terrible to make you wait.)
[B]Animation?:[/B] (please state what kind of animation, if so)
[B]Anything else?:[/B]
- Meowlerrz
- Aali
- Amilee
That's it, thanks for looking! <3
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