Ahoy ★


Jun 1, 2015
ahoy friends, i'm emy. i've had an account but never got around to posting, but here i am! i'm pretty excited to try and do stuff on here B)

i've sort of recently reset my town! i basically moved everything from my first new leaf game onto my other cartridge, so now i'm ready to party. i actually really would like to help other towns get started in terms of PWPs, putting down shrubs/trees/paths and getting furniture to make their dream room/town.
hmm other than that, my favorite villager is fang or bam. i can't choose!!

i hope i get to know everyone on here!! this place seems super active and fun!
Welcome to TBT!
I have Fang in my town and I love him!
I hope you enjoy your time here :)
This forum really is a lot of fun. If you have any questions feel free to ask! :)
Hi and thank you everyone!!
Fang really completes a town to be honest. i'd fill up my entire town with wolves if it was that easy ;)