Jul 4, 2018
100% (2) +
IM BACK OPEN THANK YOU ALL SOOO MUCH FOR UNDERSTANDING!!! If you ordered your villager awhile ago and haven't gotten it yet dm me and you will be my first priority!

I have FINNALY collected all of the amiibo cards for Animal Crossing New Leaf!!! I have decided to make all of my villagers VERY affordable! So, here we go - Your first villager is FREE!! Every other villager after that is 5 tbt bells EACH!!! You can either pay before or after you have the villager(s) that you ordered! Completely up to you! I will get your villager to you in the order that you asked! If you haven’t gotten the villager(s) you ordered a week after you posted on this thread, vm me - I must have forgotten!

Order Form -

Friend Code:
Town Name:
Mayor’s Name:
Villager(s) Name(s):
Total Cost:
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Friend Code: 1908 - 3742 - 9252
Town Name: Tuesday
Mayor’s Name: Mimi
Villager(s) Name(s): Felyne?
Total Cost: 0 :O

if you would like bells i can give them to you soon. i just have 8 villagers and need a friend fast
Friend Code: 2595 - 5825 - 5344
Town Name: Lumiose
Mayor’s Name: CJ
Villager(s) Name(s): Marshal and Julian!
Total Cost: Let's see... I believe it's 10 TBT?

I hope this is okay!
Friend Code: 2595 - 5825 - 5344
Town Name: Lumiose
Mayor’s Name: CJ
Villager(s) Name(s): Marshal and Julian!
Total Cost: Let's see... I believe it's 10 TBT?

I hope this is okay!

Yes!! Actually it is 5 tbt (your first villager is free!) I will vm you tomorrow when Julian AND Marshal are in boxes!!
Can I order the WA ones?
FC: 0920-4768-8886
Town Name: Yumeno
Mayor: Juan, and side character Rue
Villager(s): Plucky and June
Total is 5 TBT
Friend Code: 4571 2449 5000
Town Name: Lilycove
Mayor’s Name: Amber
Villager(s) Name(s): Zucker
Total Cost: 0 (This is my first one)

Can I order the WA ones?
FC: 0920-4768-8886
Town Name: Yumeno
Mayor: Juan, and side character Rue
Villager(s): Plucky and June
Total is 5 TBT

Yes!! I will vm you tomorrow when Plucky and June are ready for you!!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Friend Code: 4571 2449 5000
Town Name: Lilycove
Mayor’s Name: Amber
Villager(s) Name(s): Zucker
Total Cost: 0 (This is my first one)


Yes!!! I will vm you tomorrow when Zucker is ready!!!
Friend Code: 3111-0090-3831
Town Name: Bangton
Mayor’s Name: Mochi
Villager(s) Name(s): Ruby, Chief
Total Cost: 10 tbt
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Friend Code: 2020-0985-9860
Town Name: Kolima
Mayor’s Name: Lena
Villager(s) Name(s): Antonio, in a few days Ketchup
Total Cost: 5 TBT

Thank you!
I don't know which timezone you're in but I personally won't be home until 10-12 hours from now.
Hiya, you have recently posted on my sister thread about stitches. Thanks alot I am looking to purchase a couple more villagers.

Friend Code: 3625-8647-9533
Town Name: RoseLane
Mayor’s Name: Acacia
Villager(s) Name(s): Beau and Meringue
Total Cost: 10 TBT
Friend Code: 3111-0090-3831
Town Name: Bangton
Mayor?s Name: Mochi
Villager(s) Name(s): Ruby, Chief
Total Cost: 10 tbt

Yes!!! Actually your total is 5 tbt because your first villager is free!!! I will message you either today or tomorrow when Ruby and Chief are ready!!!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Friend Code: 2020-0985-9860
Town Name: Kolima
Mayor’s Name: Lena
Villager(s) Name(s): Antonio, in a few days Ketchup
Total Cost: 5 TBT

Thank you!
I don't know which timezone you're in but I personally won't be home until 10-12 hours from now.

Yes!! I will vm you tomorrow when Antonio is in boxes!! Message me when you want Ketchup!!!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Hiya, you have recently posted on my sister thread about stitches. Thanks alot I am looking to purchase a couple more villagers.

Friend Code: 3625-8647-9533
Town Name: RoseLane
Mayor’s Name: Acacia
Villager(s) Name(s): Beau and Meringue
Total Cost: 10 TBT

Yes!! I will message you either today OR tomorrow when Beau and Meringue are in boxes!!!
Friend Code: sidebar
Town Name: Sunbeam
Mayor’s Name: Hikari
Villager(s) Name(s): Raddle
Total Cost: 0(first one)
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Friend Code: it's on the side bit here x
Town Name: Fantasia
Mayor?s Name: B
Villager(s) Name(s): Roscoe and Apollo
Total Cost: 5 TBT