Trading All my Villagers!


Senior Member
Apr 8, 2012
Orange (Fruit)
Pear (Fruit)
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Hey everyone! So I'm back after a LONNNNG hiatus! Now I really want to reset my town because I've gotten kinda bored with it. I'm just looking for someone to hold my villagers and some items for me. I'm not sure if I put this in the right section. Sorry if it's not :( I have a little over 2 mil bells, but I don't want them for my next town. I could split it all up evenly to the people who hold my villagers and items? I know it's not much, but it's all I have :/ Anyways, the villagers I have that I want someone to hold are







Please help! I'd be really grateful :)
HEY I HAVE BEEN WANTING WHITNEY FOR AGES i will buy whitney for 100 tbt bells
Always good when people read the thread's entirety.. I hope you find someone to hold them for you! I would but I'm a little tied up atm D:

Plus I'm glad to see another Bangle lover!
HEY I HAVE BEEN WANTING WHITNEY FOR AGES i will buy whitney for 100 tbt bells

Oh I'm sorry. :( I'm looking for someone to hold her while I restart my town, then give her back ! Good luck, though. She rocks!

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Always good when people read the thread's entirety.. I hope you find someone to hold them for you! I would but I'm a little tied up atm D:

Plus I'm glad to see another Bangle lover!

Haha ya. But whatever! It's all good :p And yes! I love Bangle! Had her in my GameCube file :)
My sister can hold bangle - a bit different from her mainly dogs town :p
Wow, just realised between me and my sister we're helping you nicely. Well actually 2 villagers :p
lol, that Sej guy pm'ed me with "I WANT WOLFGANG" as the subject and "PLEASE CAN I HAVE WOLFGANG" as the message. I guess it's true he doesn't read very far.

I'm only offering to hold one because I'm so close to getting all my dreamies. That one cannot be Rosie since one just moved out of my town not that long ago.
I can hold anyone but whitney (since she was in my cycle town recently). I'll have to check who I have atm but I may be able to hold 2. One is probably easier though