Even though I don't actually use the wands in game I still like them. I'm trying to have all the wand DIYs and am missing quite a few. Most are from Celeste but there are a couple that are from other sources. I'm also trying to get all the seasonal DIYs I'm missing. I can pay in TBT, NMT or IGB. I also have a couple of DIYs that I can offer up for trade. Thanks!
DIYs I Have To Trade - Cutting Board x 2, Falling-Snow Wall x 1 & Ornament Mobile x 1
Wand DIYs I Need -Cosmos Wand, Golden Wand, Hyacinth Wand, Ice Wand, Iron Wand, Lily Wand, Mum Wand, Tree-Branch Wand, Tulip Wand & Windflower Wand
Mushroom Recipes Needed: Mush Log, Mush Parasol, Mush Partition, Mush Table
Frozen Recipes Needed: Frozen Chair, Frozen Pillar,Frozen Sculpture, Frozen Tree, Frozen Treat, Ice Flooring, Ice Wall, Ice Wand, Snowperson Head, Three-Tiered Snowperson (Curse you, snow boys!)
Festive Season – Big Festive Tree, Festive Rug, Festive Tree, Illuminated Present, Illuminated Reindeer, Jingle Wall
Young Spring Bamboo – Pan Flute
Bamboo – Bamboo Partition
Thank you, @Firesquids, for your help!
Thank you, @oceanchild8, for your help!
Thank you, @Jhine7, for all your help!
DIYs I Have To Trade - Cutting Board x 2, Falling-Snow Wall x 1 & Ornament Mobile x 1
Wand DIYs I Need -
Mushroom Recipes Needed: Mush Log, Mush Parasol, Mush Partition, Mush Table
Frozen Recipes Needed: Frozen Chair, Frozen Pillar,
Festive Season – Big Festive Tree, Festive Rug, Festive Tree, Illuminated Present, Illuminated Reindeer, Jingle Wall
Young Spring Bamboo – Pan Flute
Bamboo – Bamboo Partition
Thank you, @Firesquids, for your help!
Thank you, @oceanchild8, for your help!
Thank you, @Jhine7, for all your help!
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