All the fall season clothing items?


Arize from Azulon
Nov 23, 2016
Pearl-Oyster Shell Plush
Pink Moon Jellyfish
Blue Moon Jellyfish
Green Moon Jellyfish
Pearl-Oyster Shell Plush
Dino Plush
Bee Plush
Mom's Plush
Sheep Plush
Celeste Chick Plush
Throughout fall, I didn't really see anything new in Able Sisters, even though I checked daily. Was I just really unlucky or were there just barely any fall exclusive clothing items? Does anyone have a list of clothing/accessories based on season?
According to Nookplaza, the only fall exclusive clothing were the Sheer Socks and Spider-web Tights.
Awe that's disappointing. I feel like autumn fashion is just one of the best :( Hopefully winter can make up for it!

I was disappointed too, there's so much potential there. I do think that winter does make up for it though, it has some of the best tops in the game in my opinion. Short Peacoats are my favorite, which are exclusive to winter. :)
I was disappointed too, there's so much potential there. I do think that winter does make up for it though, it has some of the best tops in the game in my opinion. Short Peacoats are my favorite, which are exclusive to winter. :)
I'm excited then ^_^ I've seen a few items and I adore them! Thanks for the answer btw!
Awe that's disappointing. I feel like autumn fashion is just one of the best :( Hopefully winter can make up for it!

Able Sisters are already selling some winter clothes and I love them so far. It's true that the lack of autumn clothing is disappointing but in my opinion, New Horizons winter fashion definitely makes up for it.
I think the winter clothing is kinda fall ish! But sad they didnt release them earlier in the fall. I had my character still running around in summer stuff 😂
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i would have loved to have worn all these cute winter sweaters in the fall, but hey! there's always next year!
According to Nookplaza, the only fall exclusive clothing were the Sheer Socks and Spider-web Tights.
on one hand, that number is kinda depressing, compared to summer/winter (and it looks like spring is like fall too, in this regard)

on the other though, at least that makes closet space easier for me, since not as much, if anything, I'd want to grab vs summer/winter's huge stockpile of new outfit pieces
Yeah I’ve noticed that during spring and fall the clothing sucks as there isn’t many new items you come across. That’s why I’m looking forward to summer (SH) and why I enjoyed winter bc the new furniture really fitted in with the seasons. Petty it isn’t like that in spring and fall
I guess the newer clothes count as winter clothes online? cause I saw more sweaters, warm shoes, stuff with coats, etc. Like the xmas sweater, xmas dress, the hoodie with a coat over it, a kinda turtle neck with a plaid coat over it, hat with a pompom, I thought there was a bit of fall stuff, I wanted more though.
I can't wait for more cold weather clothes, I'm still not over all the fashionable clothes Nintendo put in this game lol
Honestly some of the items they saved for winter could have come out in the fall- like some of the sweaters. They released so many new items for winter and Halloween, general fall clothes kind of got lost in the shuffle. I found myself wearing more custom designs during this time than I did previously, which is a shame! Next year I'd love to see more fall exclusive clothes- especially footwear, sweaters, and light coats!
Awe that's disappointing. I feel like autumn fashion is just one of the best :( Hopefully winter can make up for it!

there is like toons of winter clothes, specially compared to fall items, and the winter ones are beautiful i am loving them thus far ❤