Already end of April?


Senior Member
Dec 30, 2005
Yellow Candy
Wow, time really does fly when you get older.

I'm gonna die quicker now, Death is on a motorcycle. D:>

But it'll be close for my Cedar Point trip AND the end of school. Sweet. But I start High School then. <:O
Either way I'm screwed. Time is a tunnel and theres only one way to go though, so...


Anyway, April flew by. One day, its the 21st, now its the 29th...
KatzMotel said:
For a year that's been so awful as this, it sure is going quickly. So little time...
I very much agree with the "year being awful" part.
Yeah, school ends June 14th I think. Well, the we're (8th graders) going to Six Flags on that day, and one of my teachers said that he thinks we dont have to come back to school on Friday the 15th. Then high school starts in the fall.
It does seem fast, but... If you think about it, April 1st... April Fools Day, that seems like it was a while ago.