Am I doing it wrong?


Milk-Eyed Mender
Aug 1, 2013
Tasty Cake
October Birthstone (Opal)
White Pansy
Yellow Cosmos
Happy Home Designer Token
Pear (Fruit)
I was wondering how you guys play HHD. :confused:Because I've been just unlocking things and doing the bare minimum when it comes to facilities, so that I can unlock as much stuff as possible, as soon as possible. Then I plan to go back to make the facilities I haven't put effort into. Is this wrong? Do you guys just take your time and go real slow? Am I doing it wrong? Should I slow down and just make the homes as best as I can?
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I don't think there's a right way to play it. Most people come back to fix up their villagers houses later, having unlocked much more furniture by then.
Don't worry about it!
I would think every one will tell you there is no wrong way.
I'll go back to my houses and redo them as well -
- but I've always had a go at getting them a reasonable looking house first time around, if only cos it gives me satisfaction to do this. I've noticed I've got better as I go along, so its all practice.
I am also trying to not go too fast - I don't want to burn out/get bored.
Public facilities, well some you are made to redo - I've had to redo the school. (it unlocks things when you do).

Edit: doing the houses 'well' the first time around also made me find out/try out things I wouldn't have done other wise - so I've slowly learnt how to make the best use of the search functions.
I've yet to make custom designs, but again I'll do slow & experiment as I go along.
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I am doing this with some houses that I don't really want to do or don't have the proper things for so I can unlock the stuff. But I am taking lots of time on the houses I like and really trying to get the theme, but I still intend to go back and redo a lot of them so I can add more rooms and stuff!
Like everybody else has said, I don't think there's a "wrong" way to do it, you do it however makes you happy. I'm doing the best I can for each house with what I have, I'm in no rush to do all the facilities and haven't even made the first shop yet, after 30 hours of playing. I've only made the hospital and the cafe so far. Even the houses I'm not so interested in have been fun to do (how many pro-wrestling houses do I have to make in this game anyway? lol!)

I think we are so used to the goal of a game being to beat the game that this one can be a bit confusing. You can't really "beat" HHD, unless you think unlocking absolutely everything counts as beating it. That's why a lot of the reviews have been about lack of challenge, because there is no challenge if you don't add your own. The point of the game for me is to have fun designing, using what I've already unlocked, and then going back and making it better with items I unlock later. It's not a game to win, it's a game to enjoy. You could just speed through it, do the bare minimum for each house and unlock everything, but if that's all you do where's the enjoyment? And will you remember whose house you'd want to put that rare item in, once you've unlocked it? If you make the first design for each house the best you can with what you've already got, you have more of a connection with the game, and more knowledge about that house. So when you're designing you can think about the houses you've already made where you'd put that great new item you've just unlocked.
That's a great response, thanks for that. I did rush ahead to unlock everything. But I was left feeling a bit hollow. So I think from now on I'm just going to take my time, and enjoy everything as it comes. I just have to approach it with a different mindset, for some reason I started thinking that it was a flaw that you didn't have access to all the resources from the very beginning.

Thanks for that :D
I think there's a lot of fun to be had in being creative with fewer items, to be honest. And you can always add QR code paths and so on, once you've unlocked the sewing machine. And the thing about the villager being happy whatever you do is great too, imo. Because you are playing the game to please yourself then, and you can make the room how you want it and be creative with it. If you think of the villager's request as a starting point and then please yourself with wherever that starting point takes you. If there was some logarithm that gave you points for certain items or placement of items, so you could beat some kind of score and "win", everyone's room for that villager would be the same. That's not being creative, that's following the rules. That's not what this game is about. Part of my fun with this is doing my best with a room, then going onto HHN and seeing how other people interpreted that villager's request. I'm not as creative as some, but I'm finding that I get better with every house.

Have fun with it!
I tried harder in the beginning, now I do just a little more than minimum, to unlock things as soon as I can. After that, I'll go back and properly remodel for my favorite characters, and expand from there. So much to unlock, though.~
I tried harder at first, but now I don't spend quite as much time because I learned how much I have yet to unlock so I will have to come back and remodel anyway, but I would feel guilty making their house look really bare and ugly even at first so I put some effort to make them "happy."