Back when amiibo cards were new, we had a 1:2 rate for NPC cards, meaning you get 2 regular villager cards for 1 special NPC card. I haven't traded in years so I don't know if this is still the case. Considering how much rarer the NPC cards are going to be with series 5 being 50% NPC but only 1 in each pack, how do you guys think this will affect the "exchange rate" this time around for trading?
NPCs are going to be harder to get for series 5, so this probably would affect the exchange rate.
For me personally, I would not accept series 5 regular villagers at all for series 5 NPCs. The regular villagers for series 5 are going to be easier to collect all of than the regular villagers of other sets. I probably would for non-series 5 regular villagers, but I'd want more than 1 per series 5 NPC for sure. How much, I don't know. I think it would depend on how rare they feel. It might be easier to just only trade series 5 NPCs for series 5 NPCs as much as possible to eliminate exchange rate problems.
From what I've seen trading here recently, the SP cards aren't treated as 'special' that much, but it really depends on the trader.
If the returning NPCs end up with the same NFC data from S1-4 (maybe not Timmy+Tommy), it'll likely depend on the trader, if they're looking for completion or just the minimum for a character (...I'm not sure how many of us are after 6 different Isabelles? )
For the NPCs that are getting their first card in Series 5, I definitely forsee them being more sought after.
And then for regions, the US ones will likely be 'rarer' than EU/JPN ones just due to the lower pull rate in general.