Europe Amiibo Trading Card post - Animal Crossing - For Europe


Queer Designer
Oct 15, 2015
Chocolate Coins
100% (7) +
Hi everyone ! :cool:

Salut tout le monde !

I give away the cards 027 (Lopez), 36 (Alli) and 83 (Annalisa).

Je donne les cartes 027 (Jon), 036 (Allie) et 83 (Roberta).

Tell me wich cards you would give against those.

Dites moi quelles cartes vous donneriez contre celles ci.

See you

@+ :D
I'm missing Lopez! I too live in Europe, so shipping to France should be "pas probleme".

On my person I have:

- 003 DJ K?k? (DJ KK)
- 007 Porcella (Joan)
- 010 Pascal
- 014 Serena (Luna)
- 029 Salami (Rasher)
- 048 Manfred (Sterling)
- 049 Sylvette Bonbon
- 052 Ir?ne (Poppy)
- 054 Mina (Deena)
- 089 Didi (Diana).

If you do want to give away your cards for some of these, let me know. :)
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I would like Salami or DJ KK. As you wich. I’ll send you Lopez. I think we should put a little cardboard in the package so the card won’t be damages. I am giving you my adress right now in a private message.
DJ KK for Lopez, then? If so, sounds good! I'm out of town right now so I can't prepare for tomorrow's shipping until I get back home. Either way, thanks for the response! :)
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I am back with new cards form series 1 and 2

Series 1
003 DJ KK
004 Sable
011 Harriet
013 Saharah
015 Tortimer
036 Alli
056 Bangle
078 Roscoe

Series 2
134 Kidd
196 Freya

Let me know wich one you want and what you give !