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And I now run five towns... (Advice from the seasoned multi mayor peoples)


Bunny Fanatic
Sep 8, 2014
Sautéed Mushrooms
Holiday Candy Cane 2017
Timmy Christmas Doll
Winter Mittens
After constantly map resetting, and usually resetting minutes later because I would find something wrong with it, I now have my third town set.

"Wait, you said FIVE towns!"

And yes, yes I did. My husband also has two towns, but since he's currently neck-deep in Fallout 4, I've picked up his mayoral duties as well.

I think I'm doing okay so far...loading up each game, stopping villagers from moving, etcetera. But there isn't much else I've BEEN doing.

I know several people on here manage multiple towns, some do five plus!

So my question is: what is the best way to go about handling multiple towns? I've read several approaches to doing so, but what do you find works best?
I have two towns myself...and am a full time college student...I can't imagine having time for 5 towns so go you! :) I just play each town for 20 min a day each. So that's only 40 minutes out of my schedule and I get pretty much everything that needs to be done that day done. Although I just reset my second town a couple of days ago...so getting that one up to speed with my other town is my new challenge. So I would say just set aside time per town a day, and go from there. Find what works for you.
Hope that helps!
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I have 3 towns I'm currently working on and a 4th one (my very first town) that I've completed. When ever I need a break, I make sure to save and quit right after denying a villager's request to move out. Because then you can take as long a break as you need from the town(s), since no villagers will ask to move out until you load up the town again. I haven't touched Noveon in weeks, but it's fine because I know for sure none of my dreamies will move out on me, they'll just be a lil mad at me when I finally do play again for being away for so long.
I have two towns, and I just stick to the routine I developed in my first town for getting stuff done, making sure to save and quit in the first town before going to the second. To be fair, though, I'm only managing one complex beautiful town, and a not so beautiful bell boom town :p
wow 5 towns, I struggle to find the time or motivation to sort one out let alone 5, good luck with that flutter :D I hope to visit one of them one day soon :D
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I have 4 towns and play my main town every day. The rest get played when I have time.
I use the stop a mover and write the day down. Pick up where I left off. One town design is finished and is stuck on May 19th forever. All the bugs/fish/diving items are done so I don't need a different season.
Take advantage of the early move out ping. Save/quit after quickly checking retail and for sick villagers.

Right now I have 3 town running and usually play an hour in each town. Play an hour if I can because I want to keep up the friendship levels for rumors. The guest town mayor was rushing out after hearing enough rumor gossip like Sydney is allergic to some tea. just joking. Noticed that the villagers stopped giving me gossip rumors and the friendship level was dropping.

Some players have a calendar to keep track. Play a town for a month and than move to the next one.
I currently have three towns. I'm somewhat tempted to get a fourth because there are just enough dream villagers I can't fit anywhere else that would fit in that last one. Unfortunately money is tight and I would rather buy other things, to be honest.

Anyway, I can't imagine managing that many towns all at one time. The thing I do is keep a record of the last time and date I saved and then time travel back to that same day to ensure that no one moves out if I take an extended break from the game. It might not be an ideal solution if you're insistent on playing it day-to-day, but eh, that's never been a way I've personally enjoyed playing.
I have 2 towns, was thinking about getting a 3rd while I had the money, but I got another Animal Crossing game instead. What I do is that, when I don't have the usual time to spend with them, I just spend 10 minutes minimum on each town, make sure nobody is moving, water flowers, and get off.
I have 6, and theres no way I can play them all. I work a lot and I'm often very tired.

I take turns playing them. For the last two weeks, I've been playing my new town. I'll probably switch to my Cherish town in about a week. I have some decorating that still needs to be done. I always stop playing on a day that I stop a villager from moving. That way, no one has moved out when I decide to play again.

That's so nice of you to play your husbands games for him. You can try the method I use, if it gets to be too much for you. If you do, just make sure you have the beautiful town ordinance. That way, his flowers will still be there, and there won't be too many weeds.

Another method that most people do, is they write down the day that they last played their game. When they're ready to play again, they change the in game clock to that date. This way, everything is as you left it. I personally don't do this because I don't like messing with the in game clock.

Have fun playing all 5 towns. It's nice to see that others enjoy this game as much as me, and are crazy enough to juggle so many towns. LOL.:)