Animal Crossing 3DS Themes?


still pretty nooby
Jun 5, 2014
Yellow Candy
I couldn't exactly find a themes thread, so I made my own.
I took a screenshot of my home menu. Look at how cute the latest AC theme is! (and some of my badges xD)

The music is the main street music when it's snowing. When you scroll the bottom screen, the characters are pushing the snowballs. I really like the snow people on the top, too. :p
...What do you think?
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This is one of the newer ones, I still use HHD's I got for downloading the game, as well as the Isabelle one, with the 1PM tune.
I have mine going through all the ACNL themes I have and a halloween black cat theme, so I have for ACNL a Jack theme, the K.K, the dreaming Isabelle, and Sable I think that it shifts through every time I open the home screen. I love the 2 halloween themes the best though. I haven't checked on the themes available in a while though so they're a bit old.
I have Isabelle and the Billboard as mine! It play's 1 o'clock which is easily one of my favorite songs from new leaf because it's soothing and not annoying to have open and playing for periods of time~ It has flowers on the bottom screen that sway back and forth as you switch pages and is all around super cute. :) I wish Nintendo would make some more Animal Crossing themes soon!