I have been reading this site for years now. I have had every single Animal Crossing title that Nintendo has published in the Americas since the first GameCube game. And I was already (although that was quite a novelty at that time) enabled to vote when in September of 2002 Animal Crossing came out.
Ever since New Leaf was announced, people have been making assumptions as to why Animal Crossing was a title fitting better for handheld consoles. Even some members here are saying Nintendo won't make an Animal Crossing title for Wii U because, heck, compared to the DS title, the Wii game didn't sell as much. And I've been wondering why the hell anyone would think that.
Do you ever, ever, think Nintendo's corporate residents ever stopped by the fire once and told themselves : well, looking at the sales of Mario Kart Wii and comparing those numbers to the ones of the 3DS... well, we are NEVER going to spend ressources on making a Mario Kart title for a handheld console of ours EVER again.
Same thing would apply, I guess, with The Legend of Zelda serie. Why would Nintendo suddenly tell itself : well this title fits better the home console market so let's just not waste our time ans make Zelda titles for our handhelds. That's just not how a well managed company would think.
Nintendo might well think : well, let's try and sell some Wii U consoles to those young women that have, up to now, mostly been ignoring the Wii U. Lets-a-look at what we can do to please that demographic. A Metroid game ? Nub-Huh. A Kirby game ? Well it's going to be released in February 2015. An F-Zero game ? Nope. And looking at recent numbers, we are in luck, Animal Crossing has steadily become Nintendo's 4th pillar in term of sales after Mario, Pok?mon and The Legend of Zelda, obviously they are going to tell themselves : let's fund a Wii U Animal Crossing project to meet those ever elusive demographics.
But why would people say that they like Animal Crossing better on the go, while they can carry it around ? Well, I don't have all the answers but let us look at the demographics here for a minute. And you'll find that the Animal Crossing series has an unusual fan base in the video gaming industry. It's user base is mostly made of young women (may they be teen, young adults). It has gathered its own following and rightfully so. Good for women gamers, good for Nintendo and good for the industry that has been - from the get-go - a bit to male-centric. But let's just look at what sort of console the women gamers demographic owns. Women gamers tend to prefer handheld consoles, women gamers also tend to be more casual gamers. Now, now. Do not reply to this thread : but I'm a girl and I have a PlayStation 3 and a Wii U at home. Ok sure you do ! But again, statistics are never based on sentences starting with me, I.
So puh-lease ! An Animal Crossing title for Wii U is 100% sure already in the works although it has not been unveiled yet. You might want a new Animal Crossing for your 3DS and might not like the idea of buying the Wii U console. I'm fine with it. But no, Animal Crossing is not an handheld only kind of game and just like Mario fits on home and handheld consoles perfectly, so does the Animal Crossing serie.
Ever since New Leaf was announced, people have been making assumptions as to why Animal Crossing was a title fitting better for handheld consoles. Even some members here are saying Nintendo won't make an Animal Crossing title for Wii U because, heck, compared to the DS title, the Wii game didn't sell as much. And I've been wondering why the hell anyone would think that.
Do you ever, ever, think Nintendo's corporate residents ever stopped by the fire once and told themselves : well, looking at the sales of Mario Kart Wii and comparing those numbers to the ones of the 3DS... well, we are NEVER going to spend ressources on making a Mario Kart title for a handheld console of ours EVER again.
Same thing would apply, I guess, with The Legend of Zelda serie. Why would Nintendo suddenly tell itself : well this title fits better the home console market so let's just not waste our time ans make Zelda titles for our handhelds. That's just not how a well managed company would think.
Nintendo might well think : well, let's try and sell some Wii U consoles to those young women that have, up to now, mostly been ignoring the Wii U. Lets-a-look at what we can do to please that demographic. A Metroid game ? Nub-Huh. A Kirby game ? Well it's going to be released in February 2015. An F-Zero game ? Nope. And looking at recent numbers, we are in luck, Animal Crossing has steadily become Nintendo's 4th pillar in term of sales after Mario, Pok?mon and The Legend of Zelda, obviously they are going to tell themselves : let's fund a Wii U Animal Crossing project to meet those ever elusive demographics.
But why would people say that they like Animal Crossing better on the go, while they can carry it around ? Well, I don't have all the answers but let us look at the demographics here for a minute. And you'll find that the Animal Crossing series has an unusual fan base in the video gaming industry. It's user base is mostly made of young women (may they be teen, young adults). It has gathered its own following and rightfully so. Good for women gamers, good for Nintendo and good for the industry that has been - from the get-go - a bit to male-centric. But let's just look at what sort of console the women gamers demographic owns. Women gamers tend to prefer handheld consoles, women gamers also tend to be more casual gamers. Now, now. Do not reply to this thread : but I'm a girl and I have a PlayStation 3 and a Wii U at home. Ok sure you do ! But again, statistics are never based on sentences starting with me, I.
So puh-lease ! An Animal Crossing title for Wii U is 100% sure already in the works although it has not been unveiled yet. You might want a new Animal Crossing for your 3DS and might not like the idea of buying the Wii U console. I'm fine with it. But no, Animal Crossing is not an handheld only kind of game and just like Mario fits on home and handheld consoles perfectly, so does the Animal Crossing serie.
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