Animal crossing Furuta chocolate egg prizes?


is it better to speak or to die?
Apr 10, 2016
Matryoshka Doll
Red Tulip
I've seen these a few places and I saw a few videos of people unboxing/revealing their contents inside and they look really cute! They have villagers like Marshall, Goldie, Rosie and Julian as well as some NPCs and other popular villagers. There's 20 total! Here's a pic of all the ones you can get:


You can order them from Japan here, but they're kinda pricy:

I'm wondering if anyone else is planning on getting some to see if they can get a favorite or two like me! I'm going to buy a shameful amount of them soon lol. I'd even love to trade if I didn't manage to get Bunnie or Julian and someone else wanted one of the ones I got.
This is soooo cute! I would love to get some if my money wasn't already tied up in the Amiibo. And that shipping... D:
This is soooo cute! I would love to get some if my money wasn't already tied up in the Amiibo. And that shipping... D:

I know right! It's adorable but the shipping is a horror story! It actually offers way cheaper shipping if you make an account and give your shipping address. It was 30 dollars at first and I was like uhh never mind on that then lmao, but then it got down to like 8 when I put in my info.
These are really cute and I would love to collect them, but I would rather not spend money on them. If I spend any money for Animal Crossing, I would do the Amiibo instead, but this is a great find and they are really adorable. ❤
i’d definitely get some if all my money wasn’t going toward the game itself lol
These are really cute...I want that little Hamlet. How tall do you think the figures are?
I actually did order some of these a couple days ago, from this same website! I like how it does actually charge shipping depending on weight so you can normally add some lighter stuff at the end without it going up. I've gotten chocolate eggs from candysan before and they've been great quality figures for their small size (around 5cm depending on the character) and tasty, too!

I ordered 12 of these eggs since I collect AC merch and don't intend to get the companion book or switch case so chose these instead. I'm hoping for the actual villagers since I own the amiibo of the NPCs already, but they're all cute and great gifts if I get any doubles!
I have 6 extra to trade for the 6 I need.

5, 7, 13, 15, 17, S1

3, 4, 8, 10, 11, 12
someone brought me one back from japan!! i got rosie and theyre surprisingly high quality for a chocolate egg toy lol

I love Bunnie and Molly!!! I would love to buy them if they were available here! :D

I know my friend would love Julian and Marshal
Yeah I looked at these on eBay...and like usual, people are being ridiculous...and stupid.

People are paying more for the Marshal figure alone, than what it costs to buy a box of the eggs. I realize that there's no guarantee that you'd get a Marshal in that box, but the odds are still in your favor.

If anyone wants a decent side hustle right now, buy the boxes of eggs from Japan and sell the figures on
There so cute didn’t even realised they existed but honestly that shipping is a killer. Why can’t we get awesome animal crossing merch that isn’t expensive
A local store was selling them individually or by the box (10 figurines). I bought a box and had repeats of Julian and Peanut. D,: The chocolate tasted better than I expected! They're miniature size-wise, but well made and nicely painted imo.
