Animal Crossing New Horizons MANGA!!!


˖✧⋆︎Bam is my husband&#89
Dec 14, 2019
February Birthstone (Amethyst)
Tasty Cake
Chocolate Cake
Sakura Easter Egg
Winter Mittens
Winter Mittens
Winter Mittens
Winter Mittens
Winter Mittens
I was searching for some more videos of NH and stumbled upon this gem!

It's so cuuute!!! (?́ ॣ?̫ ॣ?̀,)՞


Have fun reading it ♡♡♡
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Looks cute, I assume there is no Englisch version available yet? Kinda wish they would continue the CoroCoro one with a New Horizons based story, as the New Leaf one is just hilarious and I would love to see more of it.
oh wow the art in that looks absolutely gorgeous. i would love for them to come out with an english translation <3
Hey! I was looking at my channel about a week ago and realized that people were coming to my video from here. I haven't thought about this website in a looong time! I never had an account here but I had lurked a bit when I was younger. I've been active on animalcrossingcommunity, though.

Anyways, I'm glad that you guys liked the video!
If you want I could type up a whole translation but it's mostly just what I had said in the video. Nothing too exciting since it's only 8 pages long.
If you want I could type up a whole translation but it's mostly just what I had said in the video. Nothing too exciting since it's only 8 pages long.

I do hope you'll keep updating us on the manga, since unfortunately no fan or official groups have picked it up yet.
Hey! I was looking at my channel about a week ago and realized that people were coming to my video from here. I haven't thought about this website in a looong time! I never had an account here but I had lurked a bit when I was younger. I've been active on animalcrossingcommunity, though.

Anyways, I'm glad that you guys liked the video!

Wow thank you for uploading, StarlitGlitch! Lucky we have you as a source for this stuff otherwise I don't know when (or if) we'd have found out about it and gotten to see it. Same with the world hobby fair screenies. We're pretty starved for content - we need every drop we can get!

(btw I found it a little funny that NintendoSoup credited someone else and not you... ACWorld was better about credit though)
They miss-credited me for the manga video? Not just the person signing off who had written the article?

You can see it here. It looks like the linked Animal Crossing World here as the source, but thanked a random user they have for telling them about it. They probably could have mentioned that ACW was linking and crediting you directly, but they weren't claiming credit for the video itself.
They miss-credited me for the manga video? Not just the person signing off who had written the article?

I thought that might be the case at first too, that they forgot to put the name on the next line, but it's not the name of the person writing the article and they don't end their other articles like that. A bit funny to embed someone's video without crediting them while crediting someone else! :rolleyes:

Btw, I love your sweater in the vid!
When I Googled it under the title of the page it came up as "uploaded by StarlitGlitch," I guess since my video was embedded haha.

Well, the video is there though so I guess that's kind of like crediting, in a sense? As in they didn't reupload it or just take screenshots of the video. It's good enough for me. Thank you for letting me know, though!

Thank you!! The blanket from Nintendo Tokyo has the same design as well.
That's true! Though if you keep it up being a news-breaker, maybe it'd be helpful to put a little graphic at the beginning of your videos with your channel/twitter etc. so people will know and can find it easier even when the video is embedded. I didn't fully realize it was someone else's video from the site's coverage except by this thread (because moo-kun said she found your vid on youtube).
I have never read manga before, but the pictures of this one look really fun to read. Maybe I will have to read it sometime if they do come out with a translation of it in English. :)
I made a video about the CoroCoro manga and posted a new thread about it here!

And jiojiop I totally forgot about your advice oops. But I do mention in the beginning of the video about having a previous video on the Ciao one, so maybe that'll do something? I don't think any sites have talked about my video yet.