Animal Crossing Update?


♥ Yours Truly ♥
Dec 7, 2014
New Horizons Token
Chocolate Cake
Purple Candy
Blue Candy
Green Candy
Red Candy
Yellow Candy
Famous Mushroom
My game just updated anyone know what that’s about? Update 1.1.2a
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I'm super excited that this was fixed. It was causing major anxiety.
That means mean can adopt villagers now from other people that were forced out?
- Camp glitch: Scanning amiibos or inviting campers to stay and kicking someone out forcibly with them caused a glitch before that would leave houses in a messed up state for both the person forcing them out and anyone adopting the forcibly kicked out villagers.

- Seems Tom had a possibility of bugging out and not letting you purchase lots? Or something like that.

- Buying tools on mystery islands would sometimes decrease your bells as well as your nook miles; this has been fixed.

Then there's 'misc other bugs' that were not specified.
Supposedly fixed the camping glitch. Not sure about what else

Lmao. I just spent the last 3 hours trying to get Audie into boxes in my spare town so I could move her into my main town. I was afraid to force her out with Amiibo.

She literally just asked to move, I saved and quit, and then got the update notification.
Lmao. I just spent the last 3 hours trying to get Audie into boxes in my spare town so I could move her into my main town. I was afraid to force her out with Amiibo.

She literally just asked to move, I saved and quit, and then got the update notification.

Good timing all around. That is sarcasm.
i’m glad this was fixed! hopefully they’ll patch the balloon glitch, too
Just hit 300. Haven't seen any for more than 5 min.

Did you collect the achievement? I read on twitter from nintendowire that if the achievement isn’t collected for 300, they’ll continue to spawn (meaning the issue is with the achievement being stamped, why this happens, no one knows, maybe it flags something in the game wrong that it prevents anymore from spawning)
Did you collect the achievement? I read on twitter from nintendowire that if the achievement isn’t collected for 300, they’ll continue to spawn (meaning the issue is with the achievement being stamped, why this happens, no one knows, maybe it flags something in the game wrong that it prevents anymore from spawning)

i wish i read this before getting the achievement :'(
I'm trying to make sure not to pop any balloons as possible. When I find out I'm on my last number to the achievement, that's when i'll stop until it get's fixed.