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Animalia Chronicles Day 472: There's a mole in my coffee!


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Jan 1, 2014
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Another day, another blog post.

I exited my house today to find it raining. It hasn't rained in Animalia in a while, so I welcomed the change in weather. Plus, it meant I didn't have to water my flowers today! I checked my mail and found a letter from Punchy, thanking me for coming to his birthday party. As thanks, he gave me a 3-ball tee. That wasn't necessary, since it was his birthday and all, but the shirt did give me an idea...

But before I could put my idea into motion, I still had fossils to search for and villagers to chat with. Walker told me that Al has very ticklish feet...think if I tickle him enough, he'll agree to move out? I found Punchy and Lolly near each other by my lighthouse, and they had matching umbrellas! I think Punchy actually asked for his yellow umbrella for Toy Day, and I'm glad to see it being put to good use!

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Punchy let me know he wanted a piece of fruit, and I was glad to get him one. On my way to find a fruit tree, Lolly pinged me and wanted to sell her ranch flooring. I agreed to buy it from her just to make her happy. After this, I headed to a nearby orange tree, where I shook one down and took it back to Punchy. He devoured it happily, and thanked me with a spa chair. Today being Sunday, I found Joan nearby, and bought 300 turnips off her for 105 Bells apiece. A bit high, but I have a good feeling about this week. As usual, I put my turnips in front of Re-Tail to remind me to check turnip prices whenever I head there. Rosie was home, and I noticed she'd put up the polka-dot chair I mailed her a while ago. She said since everyone looks to her for fashion advice, she has all her clothes on display in her house. It's just a 2-ball tee, Rosie...nothing to write a book about. But upon snooping--uh, inspecting--her dresser, I found a classic sofa which she let me have.

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As a side note, I really like how Rosie's house is coming together with the lovely and polka-dot furniture combination. If I can just get that t-shirt and the bathtub out of her room, it'll be perfect! xD

Making my rounds, I found Apollo in my "rose rainbow", and he said he wanted something to replace his electric kettle. Maybe he's decided to quit drinking coffee at home, and just get it from the Roost from now on? Regardless, I made a note to check the shops for something that might look nice. Eugene was home, so I popped in on him. He asked me to catch him a butterfly, and even though it was raining and butterflies don't show up in the rain, I agreed. Back outside, Mira and Savannah were skipping around happily, and when I talked to Mira, I saw that she had picked up Savannah's "y'all" catchphrase. Yeah, we need to change that ASAP. Mira asked me to visit her house, and I was happy to head over at that moment. Once there, she told me not to look in her astro closet, as it was "full of secrets". Maybe that's where she keeps her superhero costume? She asked if I wanted to buy anything, and I tried to buy the strip chair in front of her radar since it clashes with the house, but she wouldn't budge on it. I settled for the green tie-dye tank instead, since it also looks a little out of place.

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Come to think of it, Mira has her red-zap suit right out in the open! She must not take the concept of secret identity all that seriously...

Up at Main Street, I put my previous idea into motion. Since I don't think my yellow aloha tee is working for a yellow outfit, I ordered a one-ball tee and a nine-ball tee from the catalog, in hopes that one of them would look better with my yellow cap. I then headed upstairs, but found nothing for Apollo's house, sadly. Next door at the Able Sisters, I was able to buy some caveman shorts for my catalog, and headed back to town once I was finished.

To kill time before my shirts would be delivered, I headed to the Roost. I found Resetti at the bar drinking coffee, and he was his usual sunshiny self. Amid his grumpy ramblings, though, he did tell me he likes Blue Mountain coffee, so that was a new addition to my Roost notes. After getting a cup myself, I settled in to work a bit.

WARNING: Roost spoilers follow!

My first customer was Rosie, and I had her order down already: mocha, 1 milk, 1 sugar. She actually asked if I'd been taking notes on her! xD
Next up was Carmen the rabbit! She's actually pretty cute, but Mira will forever remain my favorite bunny. She wanted a lot of milk, so I knew that meant 3 sugars. I guessed at blend for her, but it was unfortunately not what she wanted. Still, 2 out of three isn't bad for an out-of-town visitor.
3rd up was Eugene, and I knew from my notes that he likes no milk or sugar, and that blend was not his favorite. I tried mocha this time, and that was apparently it! He said it might even be better than Brewster's coffee, which made Brewster jump! I genuinely LOL'd at that point! xD
My final customer was Tortimer...is my coffee that good that he would go to the trouble of coming here all the way from the island? I made sure to hook the old-timer up with his favorite brew from my notes: Kilimanjaro, regular milk, 2 sugars.

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For my great work, Brewster gave me some superb coffee beans, which I headed off to sell. When I got back to my house, I found my shirts had been delivered, and I promptly tried them both on. I think they both look nice with my yellow cap, but I prefer the one-ball tee because it gives the impression that I'm...#1! Tell me what you guys think of them both!

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After selling some random things at Re-Tail, Walker wanted to sell me his party wall, but it was too expensive. He bumped the price down to 1,776 bells, and I had to bite at that very patriotic price! Later on, Mira gave me her astro CD player, which definitely should go in her room. Future mailing item, right here... Al wanted me to change his greeting, but I was in a hurry, so I had to turn him down. He acted all sad, but if he's ever going to learn he's not welcome in this town, he needs to get his feelings hurt every once in a while. xD

And that pretty much wrapped up my day. See you guys tomorrow!


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Rosie's house really is looking adorable. What is sitting on the table in the center of the room? The pink object.

I think the one-ball tee is the better choice, but the café uniform actually goes well, too. I think it's the stripe on the cap.
Rosie's house is really cute with the polka dot furniture.
I think the one ball tee suits you better. It means you're the number one mayor
I love Lolly and Punchy with the matching umbrellas. I could totally see them being good pals, or possibly even more. ^^;

Also yes, I thought the One-Ball Tee would mean you're #1, too. Before you even mentioned it. xD Good choice.

Haha! Fang always tells me that my brewing skills may have surpassed Brewster's, and that always makes Brewster do the shocked expression. It is quite humorous.
Thanks for the compliments on Rosie's house! That's a makeup case on top of her pine table, by the way, which I think fits her personality perfectly.