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Animalia Chronicles Day 490: Small talk


Senior Member
Jan 1, 2014
Throwback Tickets
Tasty Cake
Winter Mittens
Happy Home Designer Token
Easter Egg
Yellow Candy
June Birthstone (Pearl)
Orange (Fruit)
Pear (Fruit)
I exited my house today, then went right back in. I thought it was time to change up my outfit again, and today, I decided on the purple ensemble again before heading off!

As I started on my daily walk around town, I saw that Lolly was home. She was looking for Apollo, and wanted me to see if I could find him and bring him back within an hour. Challenge accepted! On my way to find Apollo, Astrid pinged me, wanting me to get her some fruit. I headed to where I shook her down a lychee yesterday, and took one over to her. She was grateful for it, and gave me a blossom tee as thanks. I chatted with a few of my villagers on my way to find Apollo, but none had much that interesting to say. I soon found my eagle friend by my illuminated tree, and we headed off on the long walk back to Lolly's. She wanted to give him a frog shirt she'd found for him while shopping. He was quite appreciative of it, but he was soon on his way...though what he wanted to get back to doing was admittedly a little weird.

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Um...interesting life you must lead, Apollo.

Regardless, Lolly thanked me for helping, and gave me a wildflower floor. This was a new addition to my catalog, so I was very happy to get it! Up by my east bridge, I found Mira, who had something she'd picked up for Astrid that needed delivered. Well, at least it wasn't delivered to the wrong place this time... I was happy to help Mira out, since I'd seen Astrid not long before, and headed off to deliver her gift to her. I'll give you one guess as to how it went down.

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Yep, it was a gift for me AGAIN!!! My villagers sure are generous to me! I opened up my new chocomint tee, which I ended up selling later on because it wasn't really my style. Still, I am genuinely surprised that I've been getting this many gifts from my villagers!

I saw a tent at the campsite when I went to find Apollo, so I headed up to see just who was camping in Animalia. Today's camper was Daisy the dog! Not gonna lie, she's very cute, and if I didn't have a full town, I'd have been tempted to ask her to move in. I played a few games with her, then I headed on my way to complete my daily tasks.

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Eugene was by the trash can, and told me I could throw the form for his petition away since I wasn't able to visit any other towns yesterday. Walker pinged me in the plaza, and gave me a train set. Afterwards, I headed up to Main Street to check the shops, buy some fertilizer, and have my fossils assessed. Apollo pinged me after I came back to town, wanting to buy my amber. I declined his offer. You already have two ugly fossils in your house, Apollo! I think you may even have an amber already, too!! Sheesh...

My money rock today gave me a deluge of ore, including two gold nuggets! I hoarded those away to save for Cyrus, and took the rest down to Re-Tail, along with all my other findings, to sell. Turnip prices had dropped to 66 Bells today, so I may end up visiting one of my friends' towns to sell turnips tomorrow if the prices don't...turnip. xD

Later at the plaza, I had the pleasure of listening in on not one, not two, but three conversations with my villagers! First, Astrid and Mira were talking. Mira was giving Astrid lessons on swatting "them" with a newspaper--I could only assume they were talking about bugs. Astrid was grossed out by the thought, and Mira asked me what I thought. Just for fun, I asked what "them" meant, and my suspicions were confirmed: they were talking about cockroaches. Astrid seemed creeped out just by the mention of the name of the bugs...I hope she doesn't go down to the island. There are wharf roaches galore there.

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Next, I found Apollo and Eugene conversing by the east bridge. Eugene was asking Apollo which pose looked the best. He gave us both three different poses, and I chose the second one...which wasn't the one Apollo liked. Apollo asked what the pose was for, and Eugene seemed appalled that we'd be giving him advice without even knowing what it was for. I think it may have been for impressing Astrid. :)

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Third and finally, I saw Savannah and Punchy next to Re-Tail. Punchy was moping about, and Savannah was trying to get to the bottom of why he was so sad. As it turns out, he was just hungry... I didn't snap a pic of this one, but it was decidedly less interesting than the other two.

And that was pretty much all that happened today. Tomorrow, as they say, is another day. Bye!


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Oh, Daisy looks so cute! Too bad you didn't have room (Al, stop dragging your feet!) because I'll bet Walker would have been smitten in a heartbeat. ;)

Lucky you, to catch so many conversations! I always get there just too late to listen in.