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Animalia Chronicles Day 500: A lawful Mother's Day


Senior Member
Jan 1, 2014
Throwback Tickets
Tasty Cake
Winter Mittens
Happy Home Designer Token
Easter Egg
Yellow Candy
June Birthstone (Pearl)
Orange (Fruit)
Pear (Fruit)
I can't believe I've been playing Animal Crossing for 500 consecutive days! I may get tired of it at some point, but I don't see that happening soon!

I exited my house today, and was greeted by Pete. He had a letter from Nintendo for me, which said that the general's fan was now available as DLC. If only there were Nintendo hotspots near me... I talked to Pete again just because I don't see him that much, and he told me why he doesn't fly when he delivers the mail. Apparently, it's too exhausting lugging around that big bag of letters while flying, and at his old job, a kid used to shoot at him with a slingshot. I think this is a reference to a previous Animal Crossing game, but I'm not positive since New Leaf is the only AC game I've ever played. If anyone knows, please leave a comment below!

Checking my mail, I found a letter from Apollo with a rococo table attached, and a letter from my mom with a pink carnation. If I can be a little serious here: if you have a mother/stepmother/grandmother out there who is special in your life, I hope you made sure to wish her a happy Mother's Day. My mom is just about the most supportive people I know, and I truly appreciate all they've done for me. I know she'll probably never see this, but: I love you, Mom. :')

After checking my mail, I began to make my way over to the town hall to meet with Isabelle, so we could have the ceremony for the new police station! On the way, though, I stopped to talk to a few of my villagers. I saw Punchy was home, and unfortunately, he was sick. The police station could wait...I immediately rushed up to T&T to buy him some medicine, and took it back down to him. Only two more doses to go!

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I made an appointment to meet with Lolly at my house at 2PM, but in all the excitement about the police station, I forgot...sorry, Lolly! After making my way to the town hall, I made sure to attend the opening ceremony for the police station. Copper the police dog was there, along with Rosie and Lolly, to help celebrate.

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Right after the ceremony, Rosie pinged me, wanting to trade her icy shirt for my new rococo table. I had to decline, as I knew the rococo stuff sells for a lot. As you can see above, the bushes I planted by the police station died, even though they're clearly one space away from the door. As such, I dug them up, lined the area around the door with paths as best I could, and went in to meet Animalia's new police dog. I just wish both Copper and Booker worked here...I'd give anything to have them both!

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As you can see, Copper takes his job quite seriously, unlike the more laid-back Booker. But he seemed genuinely polite and concerned about the town, so I am more than happy to have Copper working on the city's payroll. Especially when he works for free. xD

After talking to Copper some more, I found out from him that we had a camper in town today. I headed to the campsite and went inside to find Bud the lion. He's cool, and I do think the lion villagers need a lot more love, but I still probably wouldn't have asked him to move into town even if I did have a free spot. Still, nice shades!

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Back outside, Apollo wanted me to get him some fruit. I shook him down an apple, and he was very excited to get it, giving me a military uniform for helping him (quite appropriate, LOL). Later, Eugene pinged me, wanting to trade said uniform for his floral knit tee. I agreed, crossing my fingers that he didn't change into the uniform. Fortunately, he didn't, and the streak of Eugene wearing his original shirt continues... Back at the police station, I checked the lost and found at the back, finding a storefront, a tea vase, and a pitfall seed. I didn't need any for my catalog, but I picked them all up to sell for some extra Bells.

And to end the day, Savannah had a gift she wanted me to take to Mira. I agreed, and found Mira in her house. She was happy to receive the shirt (she never said what kind it was...) and gave me an eight-ball tee as thanks.

And that was pretty much all that happened on the historic Day 500 of my playing of Animalia. I hope I can do 500 more!!! :D


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