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Animalia Chronicles Day 501: Astrid's actions


Senior Member
Jan 1, 2014
Throwback Tickets
Tasty Cake
Winter Mittens
Happy Home Designer Token
Easter Egg
Yellow Candy
June Birthstone (Pearl)
Orange (Fruit)
Pear (Fruit)
One day behind again...I should really stop doing that.

Not much happened yesterday, but several interesting things did occur. Astrid wanted to call me "S-man" just as Mira did, and I agreed to let her do that. I decided to head down to the beach for a change of pace, and it was a good thing I did: I found a lost mitten there! Out of curiosity, I took it to the police station to see if Copper could help me figure out who it belonged to. This is what I got:

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He can't leave his post? Then how does he keep the peace in town?! Copper, for someone who takes his job so seriously, you sure are a lazy one!

After learning my new police dog's true colors, I headed off to find the owner of the lost mitten. Fortunately, I didn't have to search long, as it turned out to belong to Rosie. As thanks for finding her lost mitten, she gave me a hot spring tee. This being done, I headed off on my daily rounds, digging up fossils and gyroids (since it rained for a little while on Sunday), and chatting up my villagers. Eugene talked about the town tree, and how it must know all about what's went on in town. He said it might even know some of his secrets.

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Could this secret involve Astrid? I can only hope! :D

A sign on the bulletin board informed me that the Fishing Tourney is this Saturday. Given how I've already gotten most (possibly all) of the fish furniture, I may not participate. After this, I headed up to Main Street to check the shops (where I bought medicine for Punchy and some green plaid shorts for my catalog), updated my dream town to show off my new police station, and made a pitstop at the post office to get the latest DLC item that I somehow forgot to get until now: the Taurus bathtub. I then made my way back down below the tracks to sell some things, when Astrid pinged me. She wanted to buy my Taurus bathtub! No way, Astrid: this is going in a museum exhibit! And another thing: why did you take a camping trip to Storrs the other day without telling me? Is something going on with you and Eugene? This merits investigation...

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I sincerely hope that that's the biggest rumor going on in this town.

I headed to Punchy's house to deliver his second dose of medicine...one more dose left before my little guy is out and about again! Outside, Rosie wanted me to pick her an orange, and I was happy to find her one. She enjoyed it, and gave me a marshmallow chair as thanks. One sweet thing for another! Apollo wanted something to replace his electric kettle in his house, but since I didn't see anything in T&T today and the police station also didn't have much in the lost and found, I guess he'll unfortunately be stuck with the kettle for a while longer. My money rock today was an ore rock, and there were two gold nuggets in the mix! Eugene gave me a gelato tee, saying that "A whole lot of nothing adds up to a ton of something". I see some holes in your philosophy, my friend...

I later headed to the island to catch a few bugs and sharks to build my Bell count back up. When I came back to town, Al pinged me. Could this finally be his moving day? Alas, no...he only wanted to give me a school desk. I told him I wasn't looking for one, which confused him. I hit him with my net a few times to get his brain working again, but then he acted sad because I hit him. I was only trying to help!

Anyhow, that was yesterday. Time now to see what transpires today. Later!


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