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Animalia Chronicles Days 504 & 505: Eugene's visits


Senior Member
Jan 1, 2014
Throwback Tickets
Tasty Cake
Winter Mittens
Happy Home Designer Token
Easter Egg
Yellow Candy
June Birthstone (Pearl)
Orange (Fruit)
Pear (Fruit)
Hey! Sorry about my absence these last few days: I've had a stomach bug, plus yesterday I got stung by a bee on my foot, and just haven't felt much like blogging. However, I'm feeling much better now, and I'm ready to get back to chronicling all the happenings-on in Animalia! In this post, I'll go over what happened on Thursday and Friday.

I didn't play that much on Thursday since I felt so bad, but a few things happened. Walker wanted me to catch him a cherry salmon. Doesn't he already have a salmon in his house? What does he need two for? I had to decline his request for this reason. Savannah was home, and she wanted me to get her a peach. I agreed, and went to the nearest peach tree to shake one down for her. She rewarded me with a hurdle for my troubles. Punchy had a petition called "Pecans and Walnuts for All" he wanted to get signatures for, but I unfortunately had to decline his offer. Any talk of solid food is not pleasant to someone who has a stomach sickness... However, checking Punchy's refrigerator, I found a robo-lamp that he let me have. I've heard of people putting lightbulbs in the fridge so they last longer, but that was ridiculous...

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Back outside, Lolly sold me a lab floor for pretty cheap. Eugene wanted to come over to my house to visit, and I agreed. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to show him every room since I was feeling tired, so I quickly showed myself out after showing him all my first-floor rooms, promising to make it up to him later.

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On Friday, I felt a little bit better, so I played a little more. Over by the police station, Copper informed me that there was a storm off the coast, which would probably wash up stuff onto the beach. I took this to mean that Gulliver would be on the beach, and sure enough, once I headed down there, I found him. He told me he was headed to a country whose national animal the Merlion, and its national fruit was the durian. Even though I've gotten all Gulliver's items so far, I didn't know this off the top of my head. But I knew durians grew in southeast Asia, so I took a wild stab and said Singapore. Fortunately, that was correct, and Gulliver went off on his merry way to the country where walking around your house naked is outlawed.

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Apollo pinged me, and wanted me to catch a butterfly for his niece. I agreed, and soon found him a yellow butterfly. He was grateful to get it, and thanked me with a kiddie wall. I found Eugene next, and for the second day in a row, he wanted to visit my house, and I was too happy to let him come over since we didn't have time to see everything the day before. I gave him the tour of every room this time, after which he saw himself out, saying that he thought he'd learned just a little bit more about me. Not gonna lie, that's just a little bit creepy...

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Later that night, Mira gave me her astro CD player, which I put back up for sale in Re-Tail for her to buy again. If she takes too long, I'll just end up mailing it back to her, since it matches her house so well. Afterwards, I went to the island, where I caught a fair few bugs and fish. My bank balance topped 39 million Bells...almost 40% of the way to getting the gold Bell Saver badge!

Next time, I'll chronicle Saturday's Fishing Tourney, my trip to Gracie's, and my conversations with characters in the Roost. See you all then!


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