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Animalia Chronicles Days 546-551: A week of uneventfulness...and hatred


Senior Member
Jan 1, 2014
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Hey guys! I'm sorry about my inactivity, it was due to a combination of things. The silver lining: I've been job hunting, as usual, but I think I may have found one. I go in for an interview tomorrow, and I really hope to make a decent impression.

Anyway, on to my coverage of my town. Unfortunately, not too much has happened the past six days of my playing. It's been raining for most of the days that I've played, and has made for a very dreary atmosphere... ):

Several of my villagers have wanted to move: Savannah on the 28th, Lolly on the 29th, and Eugene on the 31st. I stopped them all from moving, obviously. I am still bound and determined to get Al out of town, so I've been taking the opposite approach to befriending him. I haven't been talking to him, hit him with my net at least 10 times a day, push him around every chance I get, and have shoved him into pitfalls all I can. This sorry piece of space has been in my town since November 8th of last year. Let that sink in: that's 235 solid days of his butt ugly face! I only had to put up with Curlos (my second-least favorite villager that has ever lived in my town) for 121 days, and Al has been here almost TWICE AS LONG! If he doesn't move out within a few more days, I will resort to time traveling. And I never time travel. That's how much I despise having Al in my town.

Gulliver was in town on Friday, and he told me he was headed to the place where Mr. Nobel of Nobel Prize fame was born. I couldn't narrow it down between Sweden and Switzerland, and I unfortunately picked the wrong one. But I wasn't mad, since I already have all of his items. He sent me a chocolate coin in the mail the following day as a consolation prize.

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Rosie heard my new nickname of "boss", and she wanted to call me that, too. I was a little sad to lose her extra-special nickname of "Dumpling", but I agreed to let her call me "boss". Still, she'll always be my little dumpling. :) Later that night, I caught Rosie and Mira engaged in conversation. Rosie was apparently asking Mira about a problem she's had with another person, and Mira told Rosie the best thing to do is to apologize, unless she wants to "fight about it". Rosie thanked Mira for her advice, saying she was "wise beyond her years". I wonder who Rosie was having problems with...either way, it's best that she apologize. Unless, of course, that person she has a beef with is Al...

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Also, Mira wanted to play hide and seek, and I had 10 minutes to find her, Savannah and Eugene. Savannah and Mira found decent hiding spots behind trees, but Eugene...not so much. He was behind the police station, barely hidden from view. Just because you wear dark glasses at night, doesn't mean I can't see you!

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As a reward, Mira gave me some wood paneling.

On Saturday, Astrid wanted to give me a new nickname: "hun". If she should call anyone "hun", it should be Eugene. I told her to stick with the "Mr. S" she had going on at the time. I also bought a garden gnome Astrid had up for sale in Re-Tail (a new addition to my catalog), and made a delivery to Lolly (I forget the reward now...)

On Sunday, I was asked to visit Lolly's house. I hung out for her a while, and also bought the yellow-bar shirt she had on display, since it clashed with her house the most. Her house is really coming together now...she just needs to fill those two empty places on her floor. I headed off, and found that we had a new camper in town: Elmer. He's actually a pretty neat horse, and if I had room, I'd have been tempted to ask him to move in.

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When I went to visit Eugene, he told me Astrid was sick! I quickly headed to the store to get her some medicine. She was grateful to receive it.

On Monday, I made a delivery to Punchy from Lolly, which turned out to be the beige emblem blazer he lost. He never struck me as the kind that dressed formal... As a reward, I got a BB tee. Apollo had a petition wanting to "Bring Back the Good Ol' Days" (didn't one of my fellow bloggers have a petition like that? I forget which one, lol), but since I wasn't visiting anyone, I had to decline. I also delivered Astrid her second dose of medicine.

And on Tuesday, Apollo wanted a cherry, so I got him a perfect one. As thanks, he gave me a backyard pool. Walker had a package that was meant to be delivered to Lolly's, so other than chastise Pete for his usual incompetence, I agreed to deliver it. It turned out to be a gift for me, which I was glad to see since I hadn't received one in a while. The grape-stripe shirt Lolly got me honestly didn't look that bad, but I elected to sell it for the extra cash. To finish my day, I gave Astrid her third and final dose of medicine, so she should be all better today.

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And that catches me all up (except for today, which I'm still working on). Now, I'm off to catch up on some of you guys' blogs. See you later today (if nothing happens!)


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235 days?! Oh my...no wonder you're getting fed up. D: He better move out, pronto.

And aw, Elmer is very adorable. I'd have been tempted too. I love the horses, obviously. ^_^