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Animalia Chronicles Days 559-562: The bug wrangler


Senior Member
Jan 1, 2014
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Hello everyone! Not a lot has happened these past few days, so I thought I'd just lump it into one big post once I got enough to talk about. And that time...is now. :)

Day 559

On the 7th, I didn't play until it was quite late. Punchy wanted to unload his blue dresser on me, and I agreed. I could have sent it back to him since it does match his decor, but I just decided to sell it. Walker wanted a piece of fruit, so I headed to the nearest tree and grabbed him an apple. He enjoyed it, and gave me a clackercart in return (I seem to get this as a reward a lot!). Lolly wanted a new piece of furniture, but I didn't find anything in the shops or the lost and found that she might like. As I made my way around town, I saw both Apollo and Eugene were home. I dropped in on Apollo, and he had something that Walker had left behind at his house. I agreed to take it back to Walker, finding that it was a deer shirt. He said he'd already bought a replacement, but he'd hang onto this one just in case. Strangely, I didn't get a reward, but I guess his happiness is enough! I went back to visit Eugene, only to find that he was sick! So sick, in fact, that he was seeing double!

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I headed up to the shops to pick him up some medicine, and also bought a couple of shirts from Gracie for my catalog. As I made my way back down to deliver Eugene's medicine, Rosie pinged me, asking which "extreme thing" I'd like to try. I chose skydiving, since it seems like the one I'd most likely do, and she told me she'd probably get so nervous she might forget her parachute!

Day 560

I started playing much earlier on the 8th, soon finding Punchy. He wanted me to catch him a stinkbug, and I agreed to look for one for him. Dropping in on Astrid, she reminded me that Eugene was sick, and said she might take some medicine to him as well! I could feel the romance blossoming... Rosie wanted me to visit her, and we agreed on a time of 4:30 PM. While I was waiting, I made sure to deliver Eugene's medicine to him, and also caught a stinkbug for him. As thanks, he gave me some cloud flooring. A friend wanted me to visit their town, so I agreed, but made sure to come back at 4:30 to visit with Rosie. But when I got there, Mira was there, and Rosie appeared to have forgotten about our plans!

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As you can see, I was a little upset. Rosie, you owe me!!!

Day 561

I didn't play on the 9th until the evening. I was organizing a few things in my house, when Lolly popped in for a visit! She had a bamboo shoot for me as a present, and soon let us be to go around town. Redd was in town, but none of the artwork he had was anything I needed. Luckily, the shops were still open, so I managed to snag Eugene his third dose of medicine. As I was making my way around town to talk to my villagers, I saw a scorpion! Luckily, I was able to pull my net out before it saw me, and I managed to catch it!

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Day 562

Not a lot happened on the 10th, but a few things of note: Punchy had a time capsule filled with his "most prized possession" that he wanted me to bury for him. I buried it in the orchard behind his house, so I could remember it was his. Eugene thanked me for taking care of him when he was sick, and he gave me a sleek lamp as thanks. Later on, Lolly wanted to trade the lamp for her winter sweater. But she was wearing a winter sweater! I declined, since the lamp would sell for more. Later, Savannah gave me a jagged tee as a gift. Up by the east bridge, Rosie pinged me, letting me know she was thinking of moving on the 15th. I quickly put a stop to that...just because you forgot one appointment doesn't mean I don't still like you, Rosie!

Lastly, as I was making my way back to my house, I saw a tarantula in almost the same place I saw the scorpion the day before! I slowly snuck up on it, and lo and behold, I got it!

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And that catches me up. Hopefully, there'll be more going on today to merit its own blog post. See you guys again soon!


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Aww, I guess Astrid wanted her Eugenie to feel better fast. :')

& Shame on Rosie. D: I wouldn't have thought that was possible...The more you know?