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Animalia Chronicles Days 575-579: Catalog maniac


Senior Member
Jan 1, 2014
Throwback Tickets
Tasty Cake
Winter Mittens
Happy Home Designer Token
Easter Egg
Yellow Candy
June Birthstone (Pearl)
Orange (Fruit)
Pear (Fruit)
Hello everyone! Did you miss me? Time to get back into the swing of things with another trip to Animalia.

I plan to split the days I was gone up into two separate posts, and hopefully I can fit it all in only two.

Day 575

I didn't play that much, but I did get a little bit of night beetle hunting in. Mira ran up and offered to sell me a basic painting, which I had to decline since I was almost sure we already had one in the museum. But when I did, she knocked the price down to about 1,000 Bells, and even though I still wasn't positive about it, I agreed to buy it off her. Since I was going to Re-Tail anyway to sell beetles, I checked to see if the painting was real, and fortunately, it was! But alas, I already had it in the museum. Oh well...maybe someone on the forums will want it. Eugene also stopped by my house when I was organizing a new outfit for the next day, and gave me a cherry.

Day 576

I emerged from my house, deciding to go with my blue outfit. Walker was home, and he wanted me to get Lolly for him. I found Lolly right outside her house, and before letting her know Walker wanted to see her, she told me she wanted to replace her record player in her house. Since I can't imagine her house without K.K. Stroll playing, I didn't find her anything. We then headed off to Walker's, where Walker apologized for his house being such a mess, hoping Lolly would clean it up for him.

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As you can see, she was not pleased. But she noticed that Walker's house actually wasn't that dirty, which calmed her down. This made me happy--the last thing I need is Walker and Lolly fighting like...well, cats and dogs! Lolly was soon on her way, and as thanks, Walker gave me a Mrs. Flamingo. Later on, I deposited the money I got from beetle hunting the night before into the bank, and my balance topped 42.5 million. Lastly, Astrid invited me over to her place, and I was happy to visit with her a while. She offered to sell me something, and I bought the raglan shirt out of her house.

Day 577

To start the day, Walker had something Punchy had left at his place, and wanted me to return it for him. I was happy to help, and headed off to deliver whatever it was. Punchy seemed happy (and surprised) to get his candy gingham tee back, and he rewarded me with a spring shirt. Back outside, Mira asked me about the connection between ears and motion sickness.

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Poor Mira. Maybe she should wear a hat or something to help with her sensitive ears. ):

I later ran into Eugene, and he wanted to visit my place right then and there. I was happy to have him over, and gave him the grand tour for what must be the umpteenth time. He soon saw himself out, saying he'd see me around. Later, Rosie wanted to trade me a walking leaf I'd caught for her night-sky tee, which I agreed to do. Hopefully she doesn't mess her house up with that little bugger! Although the walking leaf is one of the neater insects...if you've never seen one in real life, they're very interesting! As I was about to end my playing for the day, Walker pinged me, telling me he was going to move on the 31st. I quickly made him change his mind!

Day 578

I didn't start playing until after noon, and ran into Walker yet again. This time, he wanted me to visit his house later. We set a time for 4:30, which was only about an hour away. I dropped in on Astrid, and unfortunately, found she was sick! I made a note to get her some medicine later. Punchy was out and about, and he wanted to visit my house later. We agreed to a time 10 minutes after I was to meet with Walker, so I'd have time to hang out with them both. I headed up to the shop to buy some medicine for Astrid, along with some Gracie clothes for my catalog. After I came back from doing some things, it was time to meet with Walker, so I headed to his house. He never did offer to sell me anything, but I had fun nonetheless, and told him his place looked great. I had a little time before my play date with Punchy, so I delivered Astrid's medicine to her. As I walked in my house, Punchy promptly knocked on the door, a full five minutes early! He's usually very late...I'm impressed! I gave him the grand tour, and he was off.

Day 579

Eugene had a package for Lolly that was delivered to him by mistake, and asked me to deliver it for him. I agreed, and Lolly was very excited to finally get the vegetarian tee she ordered. As thanks, she gave me a jungle-camo shirt...yet another new addition to my catalog! Walker wanted an orange, so I ran to the nearest tree, where some were lying on the ground, and ran it back to him. As thanks, he gave me a sleek side table. I found a message on the bulletin board, saying there would be a fireworks show on Sunday! This would be the first one of the year, so I made sure to try to remember. I then headed up to the shops to buy Astrid's second dose of medicine, along with a regal armoire for my catalog. I headed back down to give Astrid's medicine to her, but on the way, I ran into Phineas! The last thing I was expecting was to get a new badge, so I asked him what I had earned.

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Apparently, that regal armoire put me up to 90% in my catalog, enough to net me the Catalog Maniac Gold badge! I was very pleased to get this one, because it means I don't have to keep track of stuff I have and haven't bought anymore!! :D

After this unexpected surprise, I headed to Astrid's to deliver her medicine, before calling it a night.

And that does it for Part 1. Part 2 is coming soon!


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Congrats on the new badge! Can't wait for the day I finally get that one. xD