Animated Signature?


Senior Member
Mar 24, 2015
White Cosmos
Winter Mittens
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Happy Home Designer Token
I was wondering how could I have an animated signature? In the shop everything is sold out, and when I highlight them it says adding +1 {making a total of 5 and so on}images to the signature, is that what I would need to buy just to be able to have at least a gif made of 3 images?

And if that is the case does anyone know when they are updated back in stock? :l
You don't need that add-on to have gifs in your signature. You can have a gif signature right now. In terms of restocks, it's unknown when those items will be restocked.
I've tried to upload one that I made sure was 4 images and then tried another that was 3, and it just said I wasn't allowed to have animated signatures :l I upload it as a gif, as I would a photo. Is there another way to do it as I'm not really sure >.<
to be honest I'm not entirely sure how it works. I've made it myself in photoshop, when I save it I just select save for web without changing anything and it saves as a .GIF format
If it's saved in .GIF format, uploaded on an image hosting site, and IMG code is used it should work.