Auction ANKHA the Egyptian Cat! (SOLD FOR 25 MIL)


LF: Bunnie and Flora!
Jul 2, 2013
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
100% (67) +
I'm deciding to let Ankha go in order for me to get some bells :)

Not quite sure when the auction will end, but I will leave it open for a while or until the highest offer is good enough for me!

Starting bid: 100k

Min. bid increments 100k

If you have any questions, let me know and if there is anything I should know let me know! I have never really done an auction before :) Thanks!
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yes, i haven't got much because i paid so much for Julian the other day :'(
Lol I had Julian before I came to the forums and now he's in the void. If I would have known that he was actually quite popular I would have given him away. Maybe to you for free...
Lol I had Julian before I came to the forums and now he's in the void. If I would have known that he was actually quite popular I would have given him away. Maybe to you for free...

awh that's so nice of you <3 i paid like 20mil for him or something
It's a pic of him in my town! w6sfuq.jpg