Trading Ankha the Snooty Cat


Bunny Hugger
Jun 26, 2013
Tasty Cake
March Birthstone (Aquamarine)
February Birthstone (Amethyst)
April Birthstone (Diamond)
Yoshi Easter Egg
Togepi Easter Egg
Orange (Fruit)
Pear (Fruit)
100% (45) +
She's not moving yet but I'm willing to TT to get her to move. I'd like Marshal for Ankha but I might consider other villagers.
I like Merengue but I don't know if I would want to keep her in the long run ):
My other dreamies include Ruby, Coco, Mira, Francine, Snake, Molly, Static, and Stitches if that helps anyone.
I have static, but i already have Ankha, i can trade you static for something though:3
Oh :eek: something as in items/bells or a villager? If it's a villager, I have a list of what I have in my sig.
I have Quillson in boxes right now if that tickles your fancy.
@Justin: I'm not really interested in Quillson ):

@Kyoko: I'm not sure myself :eek: I looked it up and found 2 people who ended up selling for 500k and 1 person who was buying for 10m o-o I wouldn't be able to afford the 10m though D: Maybe someone else stumbling across this thread knows?
@Kyoko: I'm not sure myself :eek: I looked it up and found 2 people who ended up selling for 500k and 1 person who was buying for 10m o-o I wouldn't be able to afford the 10m though D: Maybe someone else stumbling across this thread knows?

Static really fluctuates, from what I've seen. People love him with a vengeance (almost as much as Whitney), but he never really goes for a lot (from what I've seen). I'd say 1mil - 3mil is a pretty good price for Static.
@Kyoko: Someone offered to give me Static :eek: Thanks for the offer though!
@Katee: Oh yes :D