Another Newbie here =)


Junior Member
Jul 4, 2013
Winter Mittens
Hey everybody,

I'm Maddy, I'm from Germany and I'm 28 - in my oppinion you're never too old to be a fan of Animal Crossing, right? =). I have my 3DS for 2 weeks now and I'm kinda addicted to AC:NL. I actually bought the 3DS in first place for this title. I used to play the DS version before and I'm a huge fan since then.

I registered to find new friends in the AC universe, discuss about the game and find helpful tipps. Right now I'm pretty much interested in some fruits. My native fruits are apples. I have all kinds of island fruits already and I have persimmons to offer because a villager gave me one. :D
Greetings Ayari and welcome to the forums, I agree your never to old for Animal Crossing (I'm 48), I also waited till they finally announced the date for AC:NL before I bought a 3DSXL and then right after buying the Pikacho special edition 3DSXL they announce that they are doing a Animal Crossing special edition 3DSXL so I gave my Pikacho to one of my daughters and I got the new one. That,s how addicted I am to the whole Animal Crossing franchise, so your not alone. lol
Hiiiii Maddy! Yess! I also purchased a 3DS for New Leaf! Great minds think alike! ^o^ *ignores the stares* 100x welcomes, Maddy!
Welcome to The Bell Tree, Maddy! I admit, I am quite the fruit enthusiast myself. I have collected most of the fruits, although I happen to be lacking in the persimmons department. I am determined to get some, though!