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Any Dream Address's that people want to be visited?


This user likes cuddles.
Jul 10, 2013
Sautéed Mushrooms
Winter Mittens
Red Candy
I love going into the dream world, so I do 10 everyday. (Crazy, right?)

If you have a Dream Address and you don't get many visitors I would like to visit!

Just in case you wanna do some dreaming too, here's my Dream Address.


Thank you and have a great day!
I will visit your dream! :)
My dream adress is below if you wanna try. It's nothing amazing and I'm still working on it, but feel free to visit and grab the patterns if you like (just finished drawing the path today!).
My dream code. I've been working on making it a little dreamer friendly by leaving cloths/toys near the bed for them when they wake up.

EDIT: Hah thanks for visiting my dream! My villagers keep mentioning your names lol.
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Mine is 5800-2151-6036.
Started organizing my fruit so there'll be a lot of saplings for the next few days.
Feel free to visit the dream version of Zingzang: 5600-2176-7490

Just updated! Zingzang has perfect town status although I have no idea when the 15 days will be up. Today, I discovered two more Jacob's Ladder growing at odd corners of the town. If you meet Wendell, he will offer you my original designs. :)
Sounds cool, would you visit mine and tell me what you think?

I'd like some feedback on mine as well ^^
It's not that special with a fancy story or anything. I just tried to make it pretty.
This is the first animal crossing where I've actually tried to grow flowers and put paths and such.
My town is in midst of some landscaping but I would love visitors. :)
My dreamcode is 6000-2184-4054
Its Skylake.
We are 3 people playin daily in this town.

Yesterday we destroy a bridge so dont wonder, there should be a new one soon.
My Dream Address: 4600-2158-9151
There is probably always going to be a bunch of items on the ground excuse that Haha :D
Hi! I just recently remodeled my entire town! Please check it out and give me any feedback! Thanks! Dream address is 4700-2308-2556