Any features from old games you miss that weren't in New Leaf?

I miss going to the Marquee. I know Club LOL is basically the same thing, but the Marquee always felt more special. I also miss the city's music.
I miss Celeste's observatory! I think it was a cute feature and I always went up there... Same for the lighthouse, it was amazing being able to get inside.
Also to add on: letters in bottles xD

awh yeah, i loved when bottled letters would just randomly wash up on the beach, or how you could even send out a bottled letter yourself
I miss all of the events from Population Growing. They were adorable! Idk why Nintendo thought it was a good idea to remove them. RIP the aerobics radio. </3
Omg I was playing wild world yesterday and I actually miss the messages in the bottle you would find on the beach. They were so adorable I loved them. And then when you would connect with friends you'd get messages in a bottle that they had sent.

Also I miss the villagers' dialogue. Honestly, the stuff in new leaf gets repetitive. And I miss how they would ask for a new shirt or like ask for a whole furniture series.
wisp. i mean, i know he's coming back with the amiibo update, but i still miss staying up really late to see him. he was cool
Guys. You forgot. The Balloon Man! ACLGTTC was the absolute bomb! It took me forever to get into NL. I loved LGTTC way too much. I never managed to understand the acre system well enough or execute the tiles. I used this online acre program but that didn't help me much :(
I loved getting those messages in the bottles and coconuts at my beach. I also liked flea market days in WW it was such a good day to sell EVERYTHING.
I personally miss the Tom Nook point system in Wild World

I'm STILL earning points with that! Over a decade later and I haven't maxed it yet! Sure, I have the 20% discount, but just trying to max that and the savings are 2 goals of mine, just gotta keep chugging along, eventually I will!

As far as things I miss, the Acorn Festival from Wild World was fun- I probably miss Cornimer more. I kind of miss Tortimer in town, having him on tours is okay, but I miss seeing him in the town hall (asleep too!). I miss the Cherry Blossom from GameCube, as well as July 4th fireworks from GC. I miss the Marquee from City Folk where Shrunk performed, that actually felt more like a show than his Club LOL does now. I miss Serena and Farley living in the fountain/Wishing Well, since that was the way you got the gold axes. I also kind of miss the scrolling from the GameCube, probably because I started playing Zelda back in 1987, and when the screen scrolled over like that, it was new, felt like an open world, they changed that with Wild World, making it a full level town, and took out the scrolling. :/
Voice chat in City Folk XD I'm pretty sure everyone would want voice chat in Animal Crossing though.
I liked asking the villagers if they need help with anything, I do miss that. (Although I don't miss having to cross 6 towns to get their silly pocket pikachu)

I miss Wisp a lot, I loved tracking him down. Plus he's adorable.
There seem to be far less events and special NPCs in NL.

Other than that, in the GC, I loved finding random balls and kicking them around with your villagers. It's random, but it was one of my favorite things! Also, villagers seemed to have a lot more to say in older games. They were always saying new and exciting things.
NES Games
Sports Fair
Rifle Day
Point System

I miss it all, but especially the sports fair. :(
Not sure it would be considered a feature really, but I miss how the personalities in wild world seemed more forceful. Like the snooty and the cranky villagers really lived up to their names and it was great building friendships and seeing them warm to you. I know there's a similar thing in new leaf but it's not really as notiacble in my opinion.

Stopping villagers moving was also much simpler