did the original do fanservice correctly in your opinion? Does that particular scene in the end of evangelion with shinji and the unconscious asuka count?
basically every episode has fanservice. misato promised
but as far as sexual fanservice goes, I'm honestly drawing a blank. there's nudity, sexual situations, and plenty of erotic imagery; but none of those things count as sexual fanservice on their own. you can't divorce these things from the narrative, thematic, and cinematic elements that go into making something either more or less actually erotically charged (or even said erotic charging from these very same aforementioned elements). doing so just ends up with a rambling rant of little substance
best example elsewhere I can give for this is nisemonogatari. the show is infamously known for being "the most fanservicy" monogatari, but for all the core scenes that get this sort of community focus, all but one of them (toothbrush scene) fail at being erotic fanservice. most notably in the cinematic department, but neither passing narratively or thematically either
also, as a disclaimer, this isn't a defense of fanservice, but simply saying that fanservice is far more complex than plenty of people seem to realize or even properly understand. also, monogatari does have plenty of instances of proper sexual fanservice that exist just for the sake of existing, so nise's situation isn't even a defense of the series as a whole; but rather an isolated example of how the series does truly understand fanservice, and can therefore subvert this as well when deemed necessary
which on that note, I can't wait for all the people that will completely miss the point of a certain scene of reiketsu-hen when they finally get to seeing that