Yeah, I'm just starting on this site and I figure that since I'm new you guys are gonna think I'm a noob to the game too, but I'm not, I owned in acww and now on accf I already have all the fruits! I'd like to share my bounty of fruits by visting other people's towns and dropping one of each fruit off that they don't already have or come and play a game, like the time bomb (take a timer bury it, if you can't find it before time runs out the seeker loses) or something, I don't know, but I would like more then just two folks in my rooster... well, any one willing to let me come by? :'(
My wifi info is as follows:
Name: Nate
Town: Leafre
Friend code: 2794-3211-7827
My wifi info is as follows:
Name: Nate
Town: Leafre
Friend code: 2794-3211-7827