Any players that need help?


Happy Pride!
Jul 13, 2015
Apple (Fruit)
Peach (Fruit)
Cherry (Fruit)
Orange (Fruit)
Toy Hammer
I'm willing to give tools, a little bit of furniture (don't expect like a complete unorderable set)
I'm made cute little packages so here is what they will have:
20,000 bells!
5x furniture items (beds, vanity, lamp, clock, ect.) (You can request at specific items needed like a bed)
x2 hybrids (so you can breed!:3)
x2 articles of clothing!!
x2 needed tools
x1 basket of fruit! (Please put native fruit so I know not to give you that fruit lol)
Any help or questions that you have just direct them to me!!
This is for players who need the items!! and help!!
Also, if you feel embarrassed or are scared to post on this thread you can PM me and I will get back to you as soon as I can!! (I forgot to put my time that I'll be available on the thread, oops!) But due to me having classes and doing a lot of volunteer work I'm only available from 6am-9am Pacific time for pick ups and tradea
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This is a really sweet idea! Let me know if I can help out, I could contribute carnations or blue roses or something.
This is a really kind thing to offer!

I would like a piece of cheese and a slow loris, please.
Well, not really.

Just wanted to say that this is a lovely thing to do. If you get a lot of requests and need backup, lemme know!
Thank you so much for your support, everyone!! If needed I will contact you^_^
I've thought about doing something like this before, but A) I don't want to store the tools and B) I don't know if new players join TBT right from the get-go or not (I joined TBT a couple of months after getting the game). I like that you are being generous, but I wouldn't give players the bells (because I think it is more rewarding for new players to earn those first few house payments than to have it given to them) or the hybrids (because again I think newer players should get the experience of growing their own hybrids from scratch to start off with; if they get frustrated with it they can buy some on these forums). The only furniture that a new player really needs right away is a storage item, a music player, and a disposal item (i.e. trash can). I think it is better to give new players the tools they need to be successful earlier, but don't give them freebies right from the get-go. That's just my opinion; I don't fault you for being generous. It would also be a good idea to not just give them the stuff, but offer to be a "mentor" for the new players and give them advice on how to make bells or do other stuff in the game. Anyway, this is a good idea and good luck with it!
Thanks for the advice!
Ill change some things up there and hope for the best!^_^

- - - Post Merge - - -

Hello Colton seeker friend! I see that you've found Colton for yourself C: This is a really nice and friendly idea! I just saw this thread and I have a friend that might be interested! I think she's new to the forums and the game but she has been pming questions ever since she noticed that I had Lily in my town and was looking to move her out c: Since then she's been asking some general questions about the game like plot resetting and breeding and what not Anyways I feel like she might really appreciate this starter package, so I'm going to refer her to this post and see if she would like some extra stuff to get her started! ^^
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I'd love to take you up on your offer at some point tomorrow! I've been playing New Leaf for about a week now, and could definitely use something like this. I'll PM you at some point. My native fruit is in my signature.