Looking For Any smug villager!

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May 12, 2020
Galaxy Pizza
Night Sky Scenery
Purple Star Fragment
Blue Star Fragment
Green Star Fragment
Yellow Star Fragment
Pink Star Fragment
Red Star Fragment
White Star Fragment
100% (145) +
Does anyone have a smug villager that I could have? There are some PWPs that I am missing and want to get!

I can offer some hybrid flowers in exchange :)
i'm currently trying to get rid of olaf, but he hasn't pinged yet :/ i can let you know when he plans on moving out though !
I would love to have him! I have free space already so I can be ready whenever you are basically.
Okay, my fc is 0576-9484-1738, I'm available whenever so I'll tt to get him in boxes
Awesome I'll add you and hop on right now :)

My FC is 2638-1668-4122

Are there any specific hybrid flowers you would like?
Does anyone have a smug villager that I could have? There are some PWPs that I am missing and want to get!

I can offer some hybrid flowers in exchange :)
Is this for acnh? If so I got curlos (not in boxes(unfortunately)) I hate him and he needs to go. He is smug and I'm looking for black cosmos'(if you don't have them that's fine I just want to get rid of him)
This part of the forum is for new leaf! Thank you though :) I got my smug villager now so I'm going to go ahead and lock this up now.
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