Anybody remember newspapers?


In Colorado, under my cats rule.
Jan 21, 2023
Ghostly Kitty Ice Cream Cone
Friday the 13th Candy
Blue Balloon
Red Heart Balloon
Rad Balloon
Fresh Balloon
Purple Violet
Sweet Balloon
Purple Bunny Balloon
Orange Balloon
Is anyone here old enough to get a daily newspaper delivered to your door? Or maybe you remember seeing people reading newspapers in public places?

Believe it or not, in my city, you can still get newspapers delivered, and I will be honest, I get nostalgic receiving one at my door.

Funny thing, I have made good with the local "paperboys" aka sketchy adults driving beat up trucks delivering papers at high speeds in the early morning. I asked if one them had any extras and he said he did and gave me one. I gave him a $5.00 tip, and I have been receiving free newspapers randomly ever since.

Honestly, I just love the newspapers for the comic strips, and local news. But I am getting ahead of myself.

I have a feeling I am in the minority on this old topic! Newspapers? Anyone?
we still get newspapers in my house. i don't read them but i take the coupon papers, lol.
When I use to live in the countryside in the 90's, they were often sent in our mailboxes. I do remember going for the toy catalogs (Toys R US), especially during Christmas time. I remember my mom one time made paper hats for me and my two at the time younger brothers with them and paper swords (for them at least, not me since I was a girl.. She's not like this today.)

Then when we moved to the city or closer to it at least. An older couple would drop them off in front of our house each morning, they were really friendly and my Mom would leave them a gift for the Holidays. This was back in the 2000s and early 2010s.

I remember looking forward to the Newspaper comics and when I got older it was also for sales.
Yeah. I can remember 5 or 6 years ago getting newspapers and comics every Sunday morning. Pretty sure we still get them.
I grew up in the 2010s which was around the time the internet was becoming more mainstream making newspapers kinda useless for the news, so I don't really have any meaningful memories or nostalgia for newspapers. The only person I knew who read newspapers was my grandpa whenever we visited his house, but that's pretty much it. I did read a lot of comics as a kid but those were usually graphic novels.
we always get the most recent local papers at our library, and patrons ask for them all the time, so yes 😌

we don't get the newspaper(s) at home, but tbf I don't think my parents ever have.
I think we used to get them, but my memory is kinda garbage. I know I have definitely looked at them before, but I just barely remember anything about that.
Course I do! Whenever you touched them you'd get black ink on your hands. I was a kid when they were around so I never cared to read them. They were always "for adults."

I did like magazines though. Food & Drink is always a fun read. But of course we can't forget about the Christmas Wishlist book. SO much fun to read through!
My mom used to get newspapers all the time when I was growing up in the 90s up until I want to say the 2010s. I don't really know why my mom got them because she never read them at least once the movie times were put online there really was no reason to have a subscription or whatever it was to the newspaper so we canceled it and recycled all those newspapers. We got some good $$ from the recycle center.
Yes, my dad read the paper every morning. Newspapers were part of my everyday life for a long time.

I remember being excited for the comics every Sunday, using Silly Putty to copy the newsprint, and completing the crossword puzzles. We used newspapers to make textbook covers, do crafts, or protect the table and floor while doing messy activities like painting. When I was a teenager, I scoured the ads for jobs and cars.

I never really used it for its intended purpose. I may have read an article or two if the topic intrigued me, but that was rare.

I have a friend who still worked a paper route up until recently, but there's been such a decline in customers he moved to delivering mail for the post office instead. Delivering papers was a thankless job with no days off and terrible hours.
My parents got the local newspaper when I was a kid, but they stopped once I was a teenager. I mostly just looked at the comic strips since I was really into them growing up. I did a lemonade stand for charity once when I was 11 and ended up featured on the local newspaper. There was a black and white photo of me in front of my stand and I got to have a local journalist interview me. All of my friends saw the article and told me how surprised they were. My parents got a bunch of copies of that day's paper and sent cutouts of the article to all of my relatives. The archive of the article still exists on the newspaper's website, but it is a bit buried.
My mom and dad still get the paper each morning. My mom likes to look at the obituaries and the pictures of pets for adoption
I didn't have newspapers growing up, my family didn't read them, but my late uncle gave me a Sunday comic strip that was dated around Thanksgiving 2010.
Yeah, we've received the newspaper plenty of times throughout my time growing up, but we don't really read it anymore, lol. The local newspaper where we live now is kind of not super enjoyable to read. However, when I was a kid I really loved reading the newspaper just for the comic strips it had. That was back when I lived somewhere else though.
I'm an 80s/90s child so of course. A friend of mine actually had a paper route and would ride around on his bicycle with a giant sack of papers and I thought it was the coolest thing ever at the time.
My family used to get the newspaper. It was delivered pretty early in the morning. It'd always come in these super thin blue plastic bags. I seem to remember them always being wet and kinda smelly lol.