Anyone else headcanon imaginary audible voices for silent characters?


Drift's #1 Fan
Dec 24, 2021
He / She
Sky Clouds Scenery
Pink Love Letter
Heart of the Forest
White Love Letter
Sky Clouds Scenery
Pink Hybrid Hyacinth
Pink Hybrid Hyacinth
March Birthstone (Aquamarine)
White Hyacinth
White Hyacinth
Sorry if the title doesn't make sense, I hope it does, what I mean is, if there is a silent character in a video game I'm playing maybe one who only vocalizes or speaks in dialog bubbles or maybe both but never speaks the same as a character in a movie then I almost always imagine a audible voice for that character because I don't like silent characters/it makes the video game more fun for me.
Please don't tell me I'm crazy and I'm the only one who does this, anyone else do this? I know I only do it for video games but I guess this could appeal to any character who doesn't have a audible voice such as characters in books, comics, manga etc.
Oh, absolutely! Unvoiced characters always have their own voice in my head when I'm reading their dialogue. If they're voiced in other media later (say, anime adaptation of a manga), it can even be a little jarring to me at first if they don't sound how I expected them to—likewise, though, I've also seen characters given almost the exact voice I'd imagined them having, and it's pretty cool when that happens.
If I'm already familiar with voiced versions of the character, I'll usually imagine their unvoiced dialogue in their voice actor's voice too. "Voice" is starting to not look like a word to me.
I get what you’re saying. I can’t say I give them their own voice, though. I’ll just read what they’re saying in my head, so I guess you could say they have my voice — I mean, which isn’t all that nice in the first place, but it’s much better than them being silent.
now that you mention it, i do do this! i don’t have any character examples unfortunately, but whenever i read dialogue from a character that doesn’t have a voice (usually book characters), i always wind up giving them their own distinct voice when i read their dialogue in my head. it helps give them character, i think. 😅
To be honest, I thought everyone does that. It's fun to headcanon voices onto characters and imagine how their voice would sound with different expressions.
If I ever hear a characters real voice and it's different than my headcanon, it's weird to decide whether to keep the headcanon voice when reading, or change it to match their actual voice.
to be completely honest, I don't do this. for example, the enemies/NPCs in Super Mario games that have dialogue boxes but no actual voice, about 98% of the time I don't imagine a voice for them (the other two percent would be for someone like Bowser or Peach, where I do know what their voice should sound like, and I try to imagine if it was actually them talking, though idk if that counts here).

this is kinda the same deal when I'm reading a book, I don't imagine voices in my head when I'm reading something. it's why I talk out loud so much when I'm reading.
i don’t imagine voices for characters but when i used to have to read books for school i imagined what the characters looked like. sometimes the book i was be reading would have a movie adaption and i’d get so surprised when the character looked differently than what i had envisioned.
i don’t imagine voices for characters but when i used to have to read books for school i imagined what the characters looked like. sometimes the book i was be reading would have a movie adaption and i’d get so surprised when the character looked differently than what i had envisioned.
I actually do this a lot, when I'm reading I like to actually picture the scene in my head (though I am an artist so that's prob part of the reason why) :3
I get what you’re saying. I can’t say I give them their own voice, though. I’ll just read what they’re saying in my head, so I guess you could say they have my voice — I mean, which isn’t all that nice in the first place, but it’s much better than them being silent.
This is more in line with what most of us probably do. At least it's what I do. Or probably it's more generic voices that don't have any distinguishing features. Because there are a lot of old games that everyone was silent and everything was text-based.
Oh I definitely do this. It's only natural. I project a voice to silent characters and even assign them an accent according to their dialogue/the way they talk and how they interact with their environment. I do this with books, fanfics, video games, etc. well unless it's a character with an already established voice then that's the voice I hear in my head lol

When I read I like to visualize the scene and characters in my mind and have it all play out like a movie or anime lol I like to feel as immersed as possible. I want to feel what the characters feel, say what they're saying and understand why they are saying it and doing what they're doing.
I used to come out with backgrounds and personalities for my Warden in DAO and I did write a fan fic (later deleted it and sequel since someone was really aggressive and rude). I also in a way did the same for Robin in FEA, Corrin in FEF and Byleth for FE3H, though more in my head than on paper. I was considering writing a fe3h fan fic at one point too.
Over the past few years I’ve started to make up voices for every character I read. Protagonists usually have my voice, but the rest are made up on the spot. Sometimes I use voices based on voice actors’ performances, while others are based on people I know in real life. It slows down my reading quite a bit, but it makes things much more entertaining.
I think most people do this. In fact, I'd argue that the reason some protagonists normally remain silent is because it enables the audience to determine the voice of the character on their own. A feature, not a bug.
Sometimes I'll come up with a voice in my head to associate with the silent protagonist if they have actual dialogue choices, but I don't go to the extent of having them actually communicate beyond what the game provides. As such, I prefer protagonists to actually be their own person, have their own lines, etc. rather than the blank slates you're supposed to impose yourself onto. I don't play games as myself, so yeah.