Anyone else loose WiFi?

I CANT CONNECT AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WONT EVEN SHOW THE GATES THAT R OPEN AND 2 R OPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yeah wifi stoped that's sad but the trick is go early when lots of people are not on......
This is what happens with my wifi if this helpes I go on around 1:00pm I can freely let other people who have my friend code visit and I can visit them without issues then around 4:00pm It wont let me visit other towns by 4:35pm I get error codes and cant visit at all almost all NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! better call nintendo while there open!!!!! Even if ur on hold for a while!!!!!!!!!
I would go midnight or really early in the morning when people are sleeping so u can get in throught the Wi-Fi system. LOL
why oh why cant nintendo treat its gamers with respect 3days is no excscuse without a straight answer from nintendo
Mine isnt I GUESS UR JUST LUCKY!!!!!! I normally go on at night!!!! but now I CANT!!!!!!! I normally visit 3-5 towns a day perfectly!!!!!!!!!!!! but now I cant.... :mad: