I got really lucky and kitty wanted to move out of my town! I am so happy I got em thoI do like him a lot and would love to have him on my island someday. I don't really do hunting, though... but I have considered it for the future
not looking to replace Tex until after I've got his photo... and unless I get the amiibo, I don't do much time traveling and will have to wait for Tex to wanna move out :V
I believe hes lazy!I like Rosewell. Is he lazy like past games or smug?
Right!!That's so lucky you found the one villager you were hoping to get in under 50 tickets! Congratulations! What a great way to start the update for yourself
It appears he is now smug.I like Rosewell. Is he lazy like past games or smug?
Personality types and hobbies of returning villagers:
Zoe - Normal, Education, Type B
Rio - Peppy, Music, Type B
Azalea - Snooty, Nature, Type B
Faith - Sisterly, Music, Type B
Chabwick - Lazy, Play, Type A
Ace - Jock, Nature, Type A
Frett - Cranky, Music, Type B
Roswell - Smug, Nature, Type A
Best idea ever!!I love the gators and I am really happy with Roswell's personality change because it means we're just two personalities away from a whole roster of them. Perhaps the next two gators added will fulfill the Peppy and Sisterly roles and we can start seeing gator towns.