Anyone else TOTALLY unable to find these bugs and fish?


Senior Member
Nov 12, 2018
I've spent hours digging up clam for bait and still no sturgeon, string fish, blue marlin, or orchid mantis. Also! How do you catch a mole cricket in the ground? Do you dig it up? How can you tell where?
you can catch a mole cricket from digging it from the ground - to tell where it is, you have to go to the area where the sound is the loudest and dig around there c:
I've only caught an orchid mantis! And yeah, the fish are extremely hard to find for me! You dig up the mole cricket, you can tell where by the sound of its chirp. It might dig a lot of holes, though.
those fish are considered rare and are the largesr shadows so theyll take awhile! took me about 100 bait in total to catch the blue marlin, string, and tuna. i caught the sturgeon by accident lol. and the orchard will only spawn on white flowers, usually in groups!
I’ve been struggling with finding the stringfish and blue marlin too! the other two I found fairly easy so I’m sure they’ll pop up for you soon c:
Sturgeon is one of those fish you just kind of having to not be looking for to find. I have found probably about 5-6 of them (they can only be found in the mouth of your rivers, and they have the largest shadow - you will know it's a sturgeon when you see it).

Stringfish can be found on the clifftop at the top of your village - my friend caught one on tier 2 but I caught three on the third tier. It does not latter if the top of your third tier is a pond, as long as it's attached to a waterfall it's good (and you can catch a golden trout there too). Stringfish also have a giant shadow, whereas golden trout I believe have the same size as black bass. I would recommend crafting about 50 fishing bait, standing on the clifftop and throwing them in. I caught both of them within about 20 bait, though be warned that some people say they have spent upwards of 100 with no luck.

Blue marlin can only be caught on the pier, and again I'm afraid you'll have to rely on bait as well.

Orchard mantis are rare but if you have a lot of flowers you are bound to find one eventually.

The mole cricket is really frustrating to catch because you have to dig up the exact spot where it is burrowed in the ground. My advice would be to wear some headphones so you can hear as you walk whether the sound is coming from one side or another. Eventually you'll hear that you are in the right vertical line and then it's just a matter of digging a few spots and finding it. It will crawl around for a while but make sure you've got your net ready to grab it before it burrows into the ground!
Of those I've only seen the orchid mantis and I scared it off. >.<
I got Sturgeon, Stringfish, Orchid Mantis.
I haven't seen a blue marlin. I saw in a twitter post Saddled Bichir is leaving month of march? But I can't seen to find that tbh so that's what I'm more confused by atm.

Mole cricket - dig where you hear the loudest chirping. You'll have to dig a few times before you find it in the vicinity.
For reference, this bell tree member posted a wonderful chart to see the bugs and fish that will be leaving/are available right now:

Are they night-locked? like a 4pm-9am?

I think they're only available at night but I could be wrong. If you're really struggling, I found so many of them on a Nook Miles island (the bamboo ones) after clearing it and trying to get some tarantulas. (Tarantulas never came and I had 4-5 mole crickets at once constantly chirping away - it was hell.)
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I've caught all of those. I think the orchid mantis is generally on white flowers but I could be wrong.
I got all those except the string fish and mole cricket. Others have already explained where to find them, so I’ll leave you with a good luck. I believe in you! :D
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I've caught all of those. I think the orchid mantis is generally on white flowers but I could be wrong.

Yup, they've spawned exclusively on white flowers for me. Have caught like 10 so far, they don't seem as rare to me as some of the fish.
Thank you for all the replies. Yep I know where to find everything I think I just have terrible terrible luck... oh well. I'll have to continue trying. I suppose I more so just wanted to share in the frustration. I've been doing about 100-200 pieces of bait a day at the pier and haven't caught a blue marlin. It's perhaps an anomaly. I've put less into the sturgeon because I'm something of a one at a time catcher.
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